CATEGORY: Business & Finances
Safetrust Financial/Debt Settlement
I've been in the program since February of '09. They cut my debt by 45% and I'm saving a ton of money compared to what I'd be paying back those credit card companies. They even have a device that I connected to my phone and whenever a creditor calls it diverts them, so they're not harrassing me anymore. I didn't have to file bankruptcy and I'm not paying those criminal interest rates that the credit card companies charge. read full review »
I am being charged 2 times a month in the amout of $14.95 for a comapnay called info.FreeCredit which I bver authorized. does any one have any info on this comany. Phone Number anything!!! read full review »
abigail jones bisson
This is an elderly woman who loves cats, and refuses to give back deposits from her San Fransisco rental apartments. The whole lobby smells like cats, she must have at least 30 at any given time. She is a very bad landlady who will steal your deposit. read full review »
I got three charges on my credit card from
It was still pending so I called my card company right away.
Three did not get through but one did.
Only choice is to close your credit card account and eat the $6 replacement fee. read full review »
Stephen Ames is a scam artist, con man, thief, liar and down right piece of crap of a human being. He prays on people trying to re establish themselves and those who are vunerable. He takes your money, and then does nothing until your time limit, on paypal or with your credit crads run out, then he will not contact you again.
Do NOT use this service, as there is no service! He is just out there taking peoples money! He knows that most people won't pursue him over $200.00. But if you look at the aggrevate amout this guy is stealing, he... read full review »
key chang with coin purse attahed general #00782
on my many trips to Jonesboro I always would stop at this Dollar General. Not any more I was looking for items I could give away in May for my Mom 's 82nd birthday party. Well I found these key change with small coin purse attached price at $1 so I atted 1 to my cart. On cking out the keychange came up $01 cent of course the clerk called the manger at the store and she removed it and wouldnt even sell it to me for a $1 I told her that she had to at least give me the one that came up of $01 but she kept saying she couldnt sell it and went... read full review »
I received a letter of £59.00 taken out of my bank account from wentworthdi reference number 44796620746GB I was not aware any money was to be taken out of my account. I would appreciate it if you could contact me on 07964492732 or [email protected] and also refund my money if you do not contact me further action will be taken and going to the police.
Javier Morales. read full review »
icici prudential / life stage assure
I had bought a policy Life Stage Assure from icici prudential on 08/12/2009. The policy number is 13010184 and whose premium is 25000 yearly. According to company representative guidelines the policy term is for 3 years and on maturity i will get my fund value as per NAV. Secondly there is no allocation charges in the plan as per agent said. I have not received my policy bond till date. Regarding this i had a word with customer care excutive and he told me all about the product features. He told me that the plan is for 15 years and my first... read full review »
product does not work and their is no one to speak with to stop charges to my credit card read full review »
Utility Warehouse
Hi All, Has Anyone else had a look at the Utility Warehouse Home Business Opportunity from Telecom Plus?
You can see the details on the website I have put with this message.
Do you think its a good company to invest your time and money into? read full review »
MTN service
I have been an MTN Customer since 2001 and always enjoyed there service till now... I have two contracts with them and my contract had come to an end in 2009 September. I didn't want to change over to another service provider so i asked them to make my no prepay. Any ways i was also at the same time panning my trip to the UK and i needed every thing sorted b4 i left. They kept me on a month to month contract while they sorted out my No (so i thought). I was paying R250 every month and still am? its been 4months now. I come over to the UK... read full review » parrish fl
i went down load acobe for my computer and it turned out to be a scam so please let me know what to do read full review »
We-R-Games (
Spread the word, and spread it quickly. We-R-Games ( is a classic telephone cramming scam.
By filling out form to claim a free (non existent)prize, you agree to let them charge $14.95 to your phone bill each month.
The scam part is that you can sign of ANYONE'S phone number! They do nothing to verify who submitted the number, but will automatically bill any number you give them.
Below is the email I got.
Thank you for joining We-R-Games where you will find hundreds of game... read full review »
Greg Cash Tax Plus
Was quoted $150 (i.e.: one hours work) for preparation of simple tax bill =over $1, 000.
Returns and all tax information being held hostage until balance paid in full. Whats worse, the return was actually prepared by his assistant, and I am unable to speak to him directly (he refuses all phone calls and emails; his assistant just puts the phone off the hook). This is absolutely criminal. read full review »
Touch Screen LCD Monitor
i bought a Touch Screen LCD Monitor from for last week. read full review »
Oreck Direct LLC
My credit card number was stolen on line and used to make fraudulent purchases. The bank removed all the charges and cancelled my Visa account. A letter arrived for me stating I had an over due account at Oreck for $687.93. This letter was sent to the wrong address and for an item purchased fraudulently. I do not want to get bad credit for a purchase I never made. After the payment on my visa was denied Oreck should have dropped the charges not try to collect from me for something I never even ordered or received. read full review »
somebody better get my $109.95 back in my account i didnt authorize nobody to take that money and dont know how yall got my information.but i will have my attorney take care of this if it aint back in my account immediatly.i see im the first one that has their money stolen and hats exactly what it is unless i authorize was taken on2/22/10 and i want it back now and take me off whatever list yall have me on read full review »
abigail bisoon
This is an elderly woman who loves cats, and refuses to give back deposits from her San Fransisco rental apartments. The whole lobby smells like cats, she must have at least 30 at any given time. read full review »
Pipeline Technologies, Favorite Agent
I signed up for leads via or Pipeline Technologies. They started by sending out "The Ultimate Listing Presentation". In the presentation it talks about how important it is to get good leads cheaply and discusses cost for leads with this company. The company does not garantee you any numbers, but once you join and have the service for a few months you realize they count leads without valid phone number in their cost per lead figures. They are really misleading and make you sign for 24 months and pressure you that you... read full review » Gift Debit cards
Got a visa gift card and my wallet was stolen. When I called to stop the card they had no info on my card. I had to activate it with many questions on the phone. It was a $1oo gift card. I think they should have been able to stop it with all the info I gave them. I will never buy one of their cards again. read full review »
United Nations - Member of Complaint Board - Management
Dear Members - please be warned.
After placing a compliant on this site, I was advised by this member of Compliants Board - Management, who stated that my compliant was not a scam and to contact a person who would see to it that would receive these funds.
Six months later after paying fees for COT, IMF, UN Charity, documentation of ownership and documentation of funds that were to be transferred into my account, I finally ran out of borrowed funds.
After I lodged a compliant I was told that my funds were being tracked by the FBI... read full review »
Ezykit & Netbiz
I note that you have been deducting money out of my account without my authorisation. I would like this to stop and a refund.
Not sure how you gained my credit card details but I think it was when I enquired about an online business opportunity that requred me to pay $1.00 (NO MORE) for information. At no time did i authorise for any more money to deducted my credit card account. The following amounts have been deducted without my permission as follows:
10 Jan 2010 $91.29 trans details 984K Netbiz
9 Feb 2010 $97.28 trans details 125... read full review »
On January 21, 2010, there was an unauthorized payment made from my savings account to TPS/EZSHOPPERCLUB Transaction
#8668842196. Who ever made this purchase has cleaned out my savings account completely, leaving me with Returned Item fees totaling approximately $500.00.
I would think with the transaction number and date of purchase, you must have some record of what was purchased, where it was purchased from, and a shipping address.
I will be visiting my attorny this Friday, February 26, 2010.
This is fraud as well as a federal... read full review »
TopDot Mortgage
Topdot Mortgage dba Premium Capital Funding who were prior BLS Funding and who knows who they were prior to this. Bottom Line is they probably have another name all ready and they are operating again. The owners or the "Brown Family" who have run this business are crooks, watch the movie "Boiler Room", this is nothing but a "chopshop" mortgage company. They overcharge their clients with ridiculous fees, "especially a 720 borrower" who has to be charged buydown points, junk title and escrow fees, administration... read full review »
i went to savemart to buy groceries and was denied the ability to write a check. they told me to call cetergy i did, certegy said that there is no problem wityh my bank but there system did not work right. bottom line is i am back at home with no food for my kid. read full review »
I am being charged for using this singles web site. I was told it was free. But I have been charged for the last 6 mts. This is not what I signed up for. I want my money refunded to me at once. I am going to tell all my friends about how crooked singlesnet. com is. And by the way I never meet anyone on here.
Nancy read full review »
Norman G. Kalina
ACA Recovery & Norman G. Kalina had been harassing my office with numerous letters
& phone calls for a "bill" that we have never had with Yellow Pages.
I called the office & asked for copy of the "signed" contract and they were ride and hang up on me. read full review »
usa shoppind club
They withdrew money from my account not knowing who these people were. I looked onto my bank account and it was overdrawen. I then called them up to cancel but they still would not do this. So I figure I am going to have to open up a different account. read full review »
santaner cards
sent bank draft to pay full amount owing on bill, which i have proof, to be told they only recieved a small amount of bill, spent hours on phone being put through to answer machine after answer machine and finally got speaking to a very rude operator.. who put me on hold...then telling me to ring back, really annoyed at this company.. do not want any more dealings with it. strongly recommend people from getting involved with them full stop. read full review »
most haunted
hi i have watched most haunted religiously and am afraid to say how fake it is we are being ripped off as viewers to see this rubbish portrayed i hope something gets done as again they are getting away with this and misleading viewers
last night (tuesday) 52 minutes in the sound man did bang the floor boards behind yvette fielding and i am afraid everytime this show is caught out they get away with it read full review »
worldwidesoft buka
WorldWideSoft as they are called on the web aka Security Tool with no phone Number.I was downloading software from another site and my security system prompted me that an unknown software wanted to come through so not being firmilier with those slick program abbrivations i `clicked on it thinking it was part of the software i was downloading and the next thing i know my computer screen goes black and this pop-up from security tool saying that my computer was infected with malicous sotfware and virus and i couldent get to any of my programs on... read full review »
Rhapsody ''''SUPERPASS" 25
offered a video/picture music making free 14-day. I signed in then next day canceled, but have yet to get my money back, plus at $14.99 a month I can't get it stopped from 7/09 to now. read full review »
GE Money Bank/Pay Pal Buyer Credit
Closed my Account with Pay Pal, Pay Pal Buyer Credit back in 2008 when I got screwed by EBay
Paid off remaining balance the following month
And yet GE Money Bank for Pay Pal Buyer Credit still exists on my credit report as active
Some Lazy buggers out there whom get paid for doing jack doo doo read full review »
Loans & Wealth sharing program
IF one can complain about a 10 day delay in funding well here it is. The key person Ray Acuzi i dealt with over the past 3 months and was professional, always took my calls and stayed with my every step of the way until every question was answered and until the loan funding was complete. While the original funding date was missed by 10 days late I am 100% satisfied with the results. In the current finance environment in the US small business owners need a source for funding businesses and Ray Acuzi is a business person I would recommend and... read full review »
CPA Disasterkit
In January I responded to an online ad for a disaster kit which was to contain many things including: a radio, a first aid kit, a blanket and various other items which would be helpful in a disaster. Since it was a new item they were offering it for just the shipping charges. Later that month I received a small package containing several safety razors, a tiny first aid kit (worth maybe $1) a comb a note saying the radio wasn't available when the kit was packed, but if I wanted it I could call them and they would send it. I didn't... read full review »
I never ordered anything online. I was told by your customer service to come online to get a refund for a order that was charged to my credit card that I did not order! My name is Tarsha Page. I reside @ 555 Locust Street Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730. My email address is [email protected]. This order has been cancelled the cancellation numbers are 812284 & 812174 on card # ending in 8304. I will be waiting for my refund to return back on my card. Thank You. read full review »
Credit card
I have a credit card that was opened in june 2005. It has been delinquent since then. I want to know the status because I want to make payment arrangement. read full review »
Chase of Manhattan
We used the atm to withdraw $500 from one chase account and deposited the cash in the checking account. The receipt we received did not have an amount printed my husband concerned called the bank, the bank rep said they would deposit the amount into the account and do research in the matter. A month later the money was taken out of our account because the bank claims to not have receieved the deposit. This bank excersices horible business practices and puts a new meaning to the word cut throat. read full review »
Rickenbacker Collections, Inc.
We sold a vehicle in 2004 and surrendered our plates to DMV and had a bill of sale. The new owner failed to register the vehicle and it was towed. Rickenbacker came after us as the 'last registered owner'. We submitted our documents to Rickebacker to show that this was not our debt. They, of course, say that they "lost" the documents. So we obtained copies of all relevant documents from DMV and a new bill of sale (notarized with the new owner's involvement) and submitted those to Rickenbacker. They simply informed u... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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