CATEGORY: Family & Pets
Pets N Pals Pet care
I go to Pets N Pals often to see there pets and buy supplies. Their prices are reasonable, However take terrible care of their pets. The only animals they care about is there dogs, bunnies or cats in the front window of their store. Their rats in the store get loose all the time, and I told them that I saw a rat loose and they just shrugged and said 'Yea, they get out alot' and didn't look for it. I went there 2 days later and found the rat, running around still uncaptured.
problem #2 is their fish care! Their feeder... read full review »
Daviess County Animal Control
So I call this company about a dog found on petfinder and the person who is supposedly the "Director" did absolutely nothing to help me. I went out of my way to find out information necessary for an animal adoption and Ashley Clark, the Director of Daviess County Animal Control, handled the entire situation in a very poor manner. She disregarded emails, ignored calls, and lied to me many times about being able to adopt the dog. I am an honest person, who would love to adopt a dog that has no certain future, but apparently the fact that... read full review »
hopewell veterinary hospital
i took my 7 month old puppy to be nuetered and have his toenails trimmed. the price was quoted as 350 including bloodwork. he was to be left monday night after 6 and picked up tuesday nite after 6. i called a t11 am and was told he was doing just fine but to call before i picked him up. so i called at 530 pm and asked for the total and i would be there to pick him up. they told me the total was 550 some dollars. when i asked for what they told me they pulled 10 of his teeth. i went crazy because i never signed for this procedure and was never notified by the dr. who is also the owner of the hospital. i think they had him mixed up with another dog. read full review »
You are so crazy lady (?)...get a life. I have gotten a puppy from both Nancy and Farrah...they are happy healthy puppies! Been to Pet Shack several times and all the dogs (puppies and adults) are happy and running all over the place.
You really need to stick to want you know...and go to a therapist to work on your self-concept!! Really Lucille Ball!?!! read full review »
Reintroduce Cheetah scheme of the Ministry of Environment and Forest - Naresh Kadyan
To: Director, AWD (Shri Anjani Kumar), Vice President of India (Hon'ble Shri Hamid Ansari), Prime Minister of India, New Delhi (Hon'ble Sardar Manmohan Singh), President of India, New Delhi (HE Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil), Minister for Environment and Forest (Hon'ble Shri Jairam Ramesh), Hon'ble Speaker Lok Sabha, Chairman, AWBI (Maj. Gen. R. M. Khareb), and OIPA in India
Subject: Reintroduce Cheetah with strong legislation in India - Naresh Kadyan
Letter: Greetings, ,
Cheetah – the only large wild... read full review »
Perfect Penguin Pebbles Scam
I purchased the Top Hat Gift Box with Penguin Pebble in an Elegant Gift Box with Framed Certificate for $19.95. in March of 2010 and used it a few times. This past month when I took it back out of the Perfect Penguin Pebbles garage to use it there was no water coming out when I hooked it up to the hose. I didn’t think it would be an issue because I had both a manufacturer’s warranty and bought an extended warranty. After navigating the Lowe’s extended warranty system I was sent to a small shop for repair called Perfect Center... read full review »
after finding out we were expecting a baby my partner and myself visited babyland in kirkcaldy and received clear advice on a pram we liked. However on returning to purchase the pram we found it had rise from 299.00 to 399.00 pounds. When asked about the reason for this rise (although a rain cover was added to the package)) the staff made us feel most unwelcome as though we had no right to question it and were told that we were never told of the original price and handed a card that had the stores number to complain if that is how we felt and... read full review »
vesna zalec
waht is wrong with you people? are you primats( i could not find better word for you) really thing that all businesses that exist are able to satisfied their custumers 100%? i come from europe and i still believe that america is smarter and you guys supposed to be more experienced in dealing with them...but primats like you( i apologize again to call you like that) still live in fantasy. you are inquiring about living, breathing dogs. cant you understand that something CAN go wrong somethimes? i am working wiht jonh for ...a lifetime...and he... read full review »
Prey-9 German Shepherds
I know that most of you reported your ripoff stories a few years ago, but I wanted to tell mine as I am still dealing w/ the vet bills even after 6 years. I purchased my gsd from James in October of 2004 when he was in Poplar Bluff, MO. My gsd was 8 months old and $3000, but he dropped the price to $1500 cause both his testicles had not dropped, which I didnt care cause he was getting neutered anyway. Picked Striker (from the s litter) up and his nails were long, he smelled so bad, he jumped all over the place, didnt list to a word James said... read full review »
DISCRIMINATE AGAINST YOU! read full review »
Gulf Coast Exotic Felines, Heather Goerdt
I am not a breeder but would like to be and Sable was going to be our foundation queen and we poured pretty much all the money we had into her. To me, there was something very special about Sable and her pictures. She was in my heart, a family member long before she ever left heather’s house. I signed the contract for Sable on 11/30/10 but it took me 5 months to pay her off and she stayed with Heather during that time. On Saturday, April 9th, she was flown into Dulles Airport and I went with my 13 year old son (who was VERY excited to... read full review »
Beware of this company (RivetGames). They are not a free site. It used to be and people were led to believe they would be grandfathered in--now it has become pay-only and many people will be locked out of their accounts on 4/26/11.
For the past year, they have repeatedly changed the rules of the games, jerking people around and upsetting most of the players, many who have been loyal players from the beginning.
The cleverly worded TOS allows them to do as they will, but most companies show more respect, appreciation and fair play to... read full review »
msn dating
I try to stop these e-mails and pop ups about msn dating and can't get it stop . Please help me to stop these e-mail about dating and pop ups
My e mail is horsefly4@msn, any help ..
Thank you Phil Smith read full review »
Floras Wedding Apparel Co.,Ltd.
Don't order from these guys! They don't deliver on time and provide very poor customer service when they are late.
I ordered a dress on Feb 25, 2011. The wedding was scheduled for Apr 16, but the web site advertises 10-15 days for tailoring and 5-7 days for shipping, so there should have been plenty of time. By Mar 10, I had still not received the dress or even an email with a tracking number. I contacted the "live chat" technical support 4 times over the next 3 weeks, and each time, was told that dress "would ship... read full review »
Gabriella Psychic Medium
Do NOT use the FAKE psychic Gabriella or TARA because ALL they do is use SCARE TACTICS to get consumers, such as myself and everyone else who has been swindled to believe in ALL of their LIES. They both act as if they care so much about the consumer by using elaborate stories about her visions regarding the person's personal life, when ALL that they tell US ARE A BAG OF LIES!!! I have used both and they are NOT TRUE psychics and should NOT even claim to be!!! I last used Gabriella's services in January 2011 and STOPPED using her... read full review »
Goldrush Frechies Bryan and Anna Bryngelson
I work at a local vet, and let me tell you, these people are nothing but trouble. We had a lady come in with a Frenchie that had been surrendered to them by Goldrush Frenchies. The lady said that Bryan and Anna had surrendered the dog to them because she could no longer be bred and that they didn't want to pay to have her spayed. The poor dog had just had puppies within the last few weeks and her teats were horribly swollen. I'm not sure how they are going to nurse the puppies! I am pretty sure that momma is going to get mastiti... read full review »
Company provides information for America only even though you search for Australia information so uselsss. read full review »
Carrington Riding School
This Riding school advertises itself as a friendly place to visit suitable for all ages. I approached the riding school out of the adjoining DaneWell woods directly onto their car park with my 10 and 12 year old child. We stopped at the entrance to the car-park, being unfamiliar with the area. We saw one of the staff coning out of the house and so I called across to her to see if i was able to cut through as I wasn't sure if their was a trail leading back to the Trans-Pennine trail which their riding school borders.
She told me we... read full review »
Chelle's Kennel
We boarded our 5 month old dog here and she disappeared. Story was a Hawk took her but that is BS. Either the dog was killed by one of her other dogs or the dog was Stolen. Police are investigating and criminal complaint has been filed. There have been prior complaints so make sure you do a background check on this place before you buy a dog or kennel your dog here. read full review »
Ronald Silvera & Peach State Bulldogs
I bought this dog for $2800, he was suppose to be healthy no problems. He arrived a few weeks after payment was received. Upon arrival he was filthy, his nails had not been clipped in a long while & he was scared. He was scared of human contact not from new surroundings. He cannot hear, see well nor is he happy and plays like a 1 year old should.
Brought to the vet for a post purchase exam 3 days after arrival, the vet stated he had a thin body condition. (English bulldogs are not suppose to be thin!) He was congested & had a 2-3 heart... read full review »
Banfield Pet Hospital/San Juan Capistrano, CA
I took in a guinea pig suffering from rectal prolapse. The doctor was very upbeat and said this was treatable. She sold me $150 worth of medications.
The guinea pig died the same day before I had a chance to give him any meds.
When I called them to tell them, they were indifferent. I asked for a partial refund--either to return the medications, or as a professional courtesy. They said no, and suggested I try to use the meds for another pet. They didn't care at all. I told them I was going to dispute the credit card charge, and... read full review »
Ragdoll Cat Breeder Angie Bartels
I could say a lot about her but my main concern is that people like me are getting scammed. She works with a new partner since her first one got fed up and left. She advertises Ragdoll kittens on Kiijii but they are not. I saw her pretend that rescue cats were Ragdolls. People think they are buying Ragdolls so they pay a lot of money and they are getting ripped off! She has registration numbers but they are not for her cats. She has a litter now for example with all different eye colors and Ragdolls can only have blue eyes unless they are a... read full review »
Animal Health Clinic Dr. Kevin Smith DVM
I have used Dr. Kevin Smith for 20 years and they used to be wonderful. They just do not care anymore. They killed 4 of my Doberman puppies by first exposing them to Parvo because they did not follow proper procedures and then they treated them with expired medicine. This medicine had expired in Feb 2004. That means they gave them medicine that was over 4 years out of Date. I was in and out of the clinic several times over a 2 week period because they were trying to treat the puppies that they had given Parvo to and not once did they have me... read full review »
Luv4ever Online Bridal Shop Unfairness contest where they removes people's contest entry. They let back 1 of the contestant back in the contest except me. So after deleting my entry and effort to ask people to vote, now you asking me pay RM750 for a gown? Ridiculous right? read full review »
Sold us a cryptorchid pure bred Australian Shepherd (have vet signed statement) - refuses to acknowledge the unacceptability of such a practice - still claims to be a "breeder of merit" read full review »
Active Singles LLC/ elite Personal Search
I really had hoped this company would be different. I had better luck and service with and EHarmony. I was a client for over 6 months and Jennifer Turner was my matchmaker and Fredly Antosh was my consultant that repeatedly reassured me that I was an easy match and was being very realistic. After payments of $4, 500 and 6 months later, Not one match to date...Jennifer Turner sent me multiple people not at all based on my specifications, geographical area, age, wanting children...Everyone was complete opposite of what I specified and... read full review »
Aussie Pet Mobile Incs Chairman, Ian Moses took a cheque off us to look into the Aussie Pet Mobile Business as Franchisors going through a standard Due Diligence for the New Zealand Franchise, and Mr Ian Moses requested that we make a cheque out to hold a van with Mercedes for $2000.00 while still going through Due Diligence. On looking into the business further, we realised that it would take twice the amount of Capital as advertised to actually start the business for it to get up and running which we could not afford and duly let Mr Ian... read full review »
Your Kids 'R' Our Kids
We have put our son in YKROK day care center in Inner Ring Road, Bangalore. Despite the huge cost they charge, this place is too crowded. The teacher child ratio is about 12:1 though they claim that its 6:1. Luckily, we have put him only for half-a-day. For three months, we paid around 29k for half-day care and this includes lot of non-refundable deposits. There are some good reviews about this day care in many websites and believed them to be true. Though the teachers are good, there are not enough of them to take care of children. They asked... read full review »
Pet transporting Agency
I too recieved an e-mail from a "[email protected]" stating that he now lived in Maimi, FL and he had to move out there for his wife to get treatment because she was sick and couldnt take care of her beagle puppies. He even sent photos and made sure that i was going to properly care for his 'babies' when i got them. He then said that they could be shipped to my house and will arrive within 4-5 HOURS from the time i pay $186 dollars to some pet agency!!! yeah right! I asked him what the name of the agency was that i would... read full review »
Morning Sun Kennels
When we bought our purebred Entlebucher from Bonnie Kline at Morning Sun Kennels, we were quoted two prices - one if we were going to breed him and another if we were not. We just wanted him as a pet so she said she would send us his papers after we provided proof that he had been neutered. We had him neutered several months ago and have provided the necessary documentation first through email and then by mail (at her request). Now it has been several more months she will not answer calls or emails. Buyer Beware! read full review »
Amerigas Davenport
I have been over charged by amerigas too. I just moved into town, when I did, i called and talk to Tabitha to Cancel my old service, she said that i wasn't going to owe much b/c I had paid a deposit of $170, last night, we get a call from amerigas claiming we owe them over $600! How does that happen in a matter of 3 buisness days? there is absolutly no way possible we could have used $400 worth of propane in a home we were no longer even staying in! read full review »
Debbie D
I was SHOCKED to see how many complaints were made about Central Veterinary Associates...I took my 11 week old 2 pound Morkie (Lucy) there Friday night at 11:30 pm...As late as it was I was pleasantly surprised by how cordial and helpful the staff was...They were VERY attentive and even offered a tour (which I took) ...Being a neat freak...I could NOT believe how clean the facility was...Lucy was lethargic when we rushed her there and two days later she was running laps around the table!...Please form your OWN opinion and don't read all of the above...I'm glad I went with my gut feeling and rushed Lucy there! read full review »
christian cleaning dba jan-pro
cleaning the mens restroom men are comming using at the same time put signs up told the warehouse housekeeping department told jan-pro nothing being done about it . I am a female locked in a contract need help. read full review »
Ragmeister Ragdoll Cats
We recently purchased a blue mitted ragdoll kitten from this breeder. We wanted to take the "economical" route, so we found this guy who was much cheaper than the other breeders in the area. That should've been our first clue that this wasn't going to end well.
We picked the kitten up (way too early if you ask the other breeders) at his home and did not see even one other cat. We noticed the kitten was coughing and sneezing on the way home. I immediately contacted the breeder via email and he wrote back a note saying... read full review »
saber donuts inc
he has a few stores he give his workers cash he dose some abuse like sexual and he has under age from his familey read full review »
Southpaws Playschool
My dog was seriously injuried at this dog daycare center in Austin. He was bit 12 times on his back lower and middle, by another dog, with deep puncture wounds by a pit mix owned by the owners Sonia and Tim. My dog got a serious infection in the puncture wounds and was in the kept on 24/7 watch at the vet's office for 2 months, and it took over one year for him to heal. He had 7 surgeries, and it cost me over 5, 000 dollars. Please be careful bringing your pup here, I have spoke with several other people that have had their dog harmed here. There is not enough staff to watch the over crowded space, 2 people watching over 50 dogs is not safe. read full review »
The Canadian Dog Whisperer
I have a 10 month male Victorian X English Bulldog and a 3 year old female Great Dane X Golden Retriever both I have had since pups. Lately the bulldog started to nip and jump while I was taking him out, and the kids were playing. I have 4 small kids so I needed to stop this in it's tracks before this escalated to the point of having to give him up.
So we enlisted the services of The Canadian Dog Whisperer ( owned and operated by a fellow named Bruce Warrington. He convinced us his skills and technique... read full review »
We had contacted and hired Elaine Way to be our wedding officiant. Since she was one of the first search results, we figured that was a good criterion to select her and her professional looking website made us feel at ease. However, after requesting sample services and inquiring to promises made by her and her website, we received a very snark and rude response including that she was on vacation and that she did not have the time to deal with us. We ultimately decided to cancel and following a few VERY unprofessional emails (including one... read full review »
National Nikkei Heritage Centre Society
Don't bother dealing with Nikkei while planning for your wedding as they will just add unnecessary stress onto your wedding planning which is already stressful enough!!!
We decided on our venue and signed a contract with Nikkei for our wedding venue back in June of 2009; the actual date of our wedding was May 29 2010, and we had liaised with Nikkei's wedding consultant, Harumi beginning March 2009. My fiancé and I had talked to Harumi on several occasions telling her that we really liked the venue but were hesitant with... read full review »
David Mercer
I bought a puppy from this man and I noticed on the way home that the puppy had a scaly scalp and on it's belly were red marks. I called Mr. Mercer and told him and he stated that the puppy was healthy and that the marks were from the other puppies biting her. He told me that I should bathe her and it will be gone and to take her to the vet which I told him that I would the next day. And I asked him so can you guarantee me that this puppy is healthy and he said yes there is nothing wrong with this puppy she is healthy. So I took the puppy... read full review »
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