CATEGORY: Websites

Easy Loan Protection
scammedandunhappy January 18, 2011
I had an unrecognized $30 charge on my checking account on January 4, 2011. I contacted my bank and was given a toll free number, 88-897-8045, to contact the company making the charge on my account, Easy Loan Protection. I was told that I had somehow signed up for this protection and authorized this charge. I asked that the account be canceled. I received a confirmation email that my account was canceled, that no further charges would be made, and that my refund would be returned to my checking account within 7 to 10 business days. So far... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Penn State Consultants Inc Surveyors Mart
Initio Earth Sciences January 18, 2011
We ordered a Carlson Mini Controller with Bluetooth and SurvCE Complete Software as advertizes on the surveyorsmart web site. They confirmed the order, and we paid the full amount. When we received the equipment, we found that Surveyorsmart had supplied the correct equipment, but the incorrecet and cheaper software. We tried getting them to correct this but they refused, and they also refuse to refund the amount paid read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: South Africa
IOffer - Ginosun4 (aka Ginosun)
jackienorman January 18, 2011
In case if you have experienced any problems with IOFFER : SELLER : ginosun (also known as ginosun4), please report immediately by Filling a Complaint Form - or leave your comment here. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: China
Spin_zn January 18, 2011
i enjoyed shopping online while I lived in the U.K, especially off this site Whenever I confirmed payment, I would get this offer of a voucher for 10 pounds off my next purchase. I clicked 'approve'. The next thing I know, my Lloyds TSB savings account is being debited for "shopper" and "MY-TIME-REWARDS.CO.UKCD" for 10 pounds each! How is this happening? Is it possible to get my money back? read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
sui north gas
sui north gas January 18, 2011
plz canaction naveed masi raseed masi 0323.6672445 read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Pakistan
Microsoft National Lotto group
FR Viljoen January 18, 2011
Microsoft Award Notification (You've won %00, 000.00) in our 05-01-2011 promotional programme tagged 'THANKS FOR CONTRIBUTING TO OUR FINANCIAL SUCCESS'. Kindly sent: Email: [email protected] *Name, *Address, *Age *Sex *Telephone. Via email to [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: South Africa
Award January 18, 2011
I received message from BA GOODNEWS <[email protected]> that my number won the prize 500000 pounds. untill they transfer me the prize I must cover transfer charge 600 pounds. Please tell me it is tru or no. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
ASTAR Holidays
mick allen January 18, 2011
My wife entered an "expression of interest" quiz on holidays on the internet. You were required to provide an e-mail address and telephone number. Wife provided mobile number and e-mail. We received a call on the mobile some months after and they went through the presentation saying we had been selected to receive the heavily discounted holiday as long as we attended a 90 minute timeshare presentation. That was fair enough. We go through the explanation and the standard speel to try and get us excited (and make rash decisions) wa... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Australia
Fifa/Qatar 2022 Int'l Award
MN- South Africa January 17, 2011
I went one further and emailed the sender without giving any info. Here is enough information to do a thorough investigation. I also have the original sms saved. Please read on. Re: FIFA 2022 Int'l Award Monday, 17 January, 2011 16:59 From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Award Fifa" <[email protected]> Add sender to Contacts To: "Max Naidu" <[email protected]> From The Desk of MRS ANN DOYLE Fifa/Qatar 2022 Mobile Draw Result PO Box 31322, London L70 1NL- United Kingdom... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: South Africa
sgdennis January 17, 2011
My bank called to alert me that you charged my account 3 times. I only ordered one item. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
María Casado January 17, 2011
Hi, I have recived this e-mail and please let me know if is just a scam or I fortunately won Kinds regards María Casado Attention:Winner, Good to hear from you regarding the NOKIA MOBILE PROMO. My names are Mr. Jerry Rolands I am the Nokia Cash officer assigned to winners on the Mobile sweepstake. In line with the commemorating event marking our anniversary we rolled out over £16, 000.000.00 (sixtheen Million Great Britain Pounds) for our Draws. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Spain
xxxblackbook adult dateing site
jest me now January 17, 2011
most are scams tolerated by black book and want you to pay to watch a web cam of them and some are prostitutes block book gets away by posting a warning to not link to other sites but complaints of this do not result in profiles removed many are bot answers they do not respond to slightly off answers such as a reference to no but not say no a very few are real females wanting to talk dirty.. many men seem to flock to this and have fun at over 10$ a week.. most profiles are not dated as having been on line in less them 2 mos as free... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Niraj B Joshi January 17, 2011
Today he contact to me on my mobile & he said that i have to deposit 20, 000 cash pay for the airport unit aviation clearance upon the arrival of your winning prize. I want the indian govt. has taken action against frod lottary drawer. IRISH MOBILEDRAWS <[email protected]> Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 3:25 PM To: [email protected] The Promotion Department IRISH LOTTERY 22 Garden Close, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2YP, London United Kingdom. DEAR NIRAJ BHANUDAS... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Auto Traffic Hijack,
pete burns January 17, 2011
I bought this product through Clickbank in December, I received no confirmation email with a link to the product as after a long sales pitch to upgrade and several other offers I was unable to find the page to download the product. I went to click bank after a few days and no response to my emails and tried to download it from there. I downloaded the software but not the access to the members area where I would be shown how to use it, I then emailed Clickbank and told them what happened on the 01/11 and since then I have sent them at least... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
krobbu January 17, 2011
This is a deceptive company. Terms of use contracts should not be able to include clauses about automatically sending emails to everyone in someone's contact list unless they are asked as a separate specific question that is crystal clear. This company deserves to be sued. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
cuteshyguy January 17, 2011
This site charges you for movies you can get free. They are all 20 years old, or older. Not a good varity, a kid must chose the movies, because they are blood and gore..What about a wide, current selection...Shame on you Moviescapital. SHAME ON YOU. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Pearl Branch January 16, 2011
I was charged $150.00 to my credit card without me knowing it, it happened so fast.I called up immediley. They told me they could do nothing about it, I argued and argued to no avail.So I thought I might as well try to use it, also to no avail.You could never win the bid..They took out another $30.90, and still you can't win a bid..I didn't know you could do this complaint on line like this.I thought I would look themup again and I saw this ad.I do have my charge card statement from June 2010 read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
BBV Games Membership
wscpenn January 16, 2011
I also like it sounds like many other companies have ordered online games this Christmas through Smart Games Shopper and was charged for a membership fee with no services and they began slipping these charges in under the radar screen on my debit card. I will say that this company is fully aware of what they are doing because they have customer service reps with procedures to follow & a script that they read to me in response to this type of complaint. In my opinion, this company is a subsidiary of the first company and did not disclose... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
MCN Nokia Promotion
mdudusi January 16, 2011
I received an e mail informing me that i had won 300 000pounds from mcn mobile lotto promotions and that i submit my personal details of which i did.Now they require me to pay 556 US dollars to Inland REvenue Tax inorder for them to transfer my lotto winnings to my account.What i want to know is whether it is a scam or not before i pay them that amount.My email adress is [email protected], your response will be greatly appreciated. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: South Africa
nokia new year lottery
nesirov intiqam January 16, 2011
i have received sms that i have won 650.000 pounds in the nokia uk promo pyment .their email address is [email protected], is this true and how do i go about it.please advice me my email address is : [email protected] and phone number +9940505529761.Thanks.please help me.i really need the many. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Azerbaijan
Shell logoShell Petroleum Development Company of England
ery adi January 16, 2011
My mobile number is rumored to win shellwins2011 draw is this really the same party that made the company Shell Petroleum Development Company of England and I have sent the cost of funds to the affidavit of claim sworm 290Pound of Lloyds bank and administrative costs 950pounds What is it fraud or true please help me read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Advantel Sales Leads
I contacted Advantel and discusses sales leads for home imporvements (windows, doors, siding, roofing). I was guaranteed that I would be furnished 20-25 leads per week. The firest week I was sent 2 leads. One was a bogus address and the second was an elderly woman that was in a retirement center. She had never heard of Advantel and had never been contacted by them ! When I contacted David Andrae (owner) I was told that the leads would be replaced with good leads. This never happened. I paid his firm $2, 500 for leads and received absolutely... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Bachal Soomro January 16, 2011
one mesage recive from gillbrown [email protected] Sat, January 15, 2011 7:58:09 AMNew Year 2011 promo Sponsored by UNITED NATION From: American Online Lottery <[email protected]> Add to Contacts To: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations as we happily announce to you today the draw of the AMERICAN ONLINE LOTTERY, Sweepstakes International program held in New York. For the New Year 2011 promo Sponsored by UNITED NATION, Your e-mail address was selected a... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Chevron Oil
Anu-j January 15, 2011
I recieved an sms informing me that i have won 250, 000.00 GBP in 2011 UK Chevron Oil Int???L Mobile draw.I want to know how much true is this ? They asked me to mail them via: [email protected] Is it true or not ? read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
Matilda3140 January 15, 2011
I am an affiliate marketer who runs Internet traffic through a variety of sources, including Convert2Media, EWA, and other top ranking networks. However, I noticed that I was not receiving the service that I was sold with Convert2Media and I discovered exactly why this was happening, Convert2Media was deliberately shaving leads from my account, they promise one thing and deliver another. This is not a good network to work with, they can't deliver what they promise, and they have destroyed relationships with quality publishers. They are... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Through Kyazoonga - Saarang ChoreoNite tickets
Kanimozhi L January 15, 2011
I had booked 5 tickets for Choreonite in Saarang 2011 through KyaZoonga website, the amount got deducted from my debit card but after that it says error in transaction, so I couldnt proceed further. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
A Carpenter
Moh.Ashfaq January 15, 2011
hi, sir just last night i was just recieved a messege from UK tha u has won 250, 000 pound fro nokia promo i want to just confirm that it is true or not if it is true the please send me a messege via email and if it is wrong than also send me email my email address is, [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Saudi Arabia
patricia chinhanga
patricia chinhanga January 15, 2011
hi i recieved an sms in my phone this morning notifiying me that my mobile number has been selected and i have won the sum of 500, 000GBP (Ponuds), and that i should call +447045757690 to claim my prize or that i should visit your website thus being able to access your site. I hope you can verify the facts and let me know if this is a scam.My email adress is [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Zimbabwe
Prestige Auto Shippers, LLC
Pam M. January 15, 2011
On 01/04/2010 contracted with Osvaldo of Prestige Auto Shippers, LLC (MC#710259) to ship a 2010 Kia Soul from Murray Utah to Bloomfield Hills Michigan. The contract amount was for $525.00. and they required a deposit of 195.00 to be processed via a bank draft. This left a balance due upon delivery of $330.00, to be paid in cash or cashiers check. Osvaldo pursued this contract by low balling the quote, calling numerous times to secure the deal and assuring me that the larger carriers were putting negative information out about him because... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
pbutler69 January 14, 2011
Inbox Dollars promises to pay .02 for each paid email confirmed by member. COMPLAINT no 1. Approximately one week ago I had received approximately 35 emails (only 8 were survey notications, all the rest were "Paid Emails". The reason there were so many emails is that I had not been on the site for several weeks. I confirmed 24 of the Paid Emails on that date and received messages that my account was being credited for the confirmations, however I have not received any credit for any of the confirmations completed on that day... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Ioffer Seller - Ginosun4
jackienorman January 14, 2011
IOFFER : SELLER : ginosun4 In case if you have experienced any problems with IOFFER : SELLER : ginosun4, please report immediately by Filling a Complaint Form - read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
lpp71 January 14, 2011
STAY AWAY!! After placing 3 orders, and being promised 30min to 24 hours, its been 1 WEEK, and NO GOLD. Lots of promises that if I stay online they will deliver. Its a waste of TIME and Money. Choice a reputable places. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
tungstenjewellry January 14, 2011
How to choose tungsten rings Tungsten carbide has been made into jewelry are become so popular among young people, tungsten carbide jewelry with its unique metal element, can help both shiny and scratch resistant, it will last your jewelry shine forever. Unfortunately, not everyone can wear tungsten carbide jewelry. The metal contains cobalt so those who have an allergic reaction once it comes into contact with the body while to some others, it will help keep people's healthy. So, even you like the tungsten carbide so much, you should... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: China
AT&T-Consumer billing
rebecca ekwere January 13, 2011
i need you to credit my phone account I did not buy anything to be charge $14.00 Please Credit, I don, t have a job to pay such amount. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
loishobin January 13, 2011
FOREIGN OPERATION IMB FINANCE/FIRST ALBERLOCH BANK LONDON UNITED KINGDOM Verification of Your Inheritance Claim. Dear Beneficiary, This need your urgent attention. We are having problem with the release of your inheritance payment of 5.2 Million Dollars, in reference to release application letter dated 11th October 2010, received from, in file number 205783608.The fund has already be approve by United Nation. C H P Atkinson Law Office Suite E7.3, Joseph's Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds Yorkshire United... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Home Website Center
vision8nets January 13, 2011
My access to Home Website Center was blocked read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Arab Emirates
Gazzike January 13, 2011
Flip flops ordered and paid for online 9th Feb; debited from account Feb 11th; UPS delivered Feb 15th but box open and empty. UPS reported situation to their head Office. Customer (daughter) also reported by phone and email same day. Company have since had four further phone calls and two emails (no response to latter). Phone calls useless. Customer service advisers (so-called) keep saying that an internal investigation has to be done and that 10 days are required for this but they will pass a report to another department. They refuse to... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
[email protected]
mtmetts January 13, 2011
these people have e-mailed before and wanted me to pay $500 for shipping 2 puppies to me they were free and registered the people were first moving to Brazil cause they bought a business and had a few days to give the pups away now they are going to the Bahamas and they were carrying on the legacy of their 71 grandmother who just died.They sign the e-mail as Stacey and Jean when they e-mail each time its worded a little different please do something they have no right to scam people they should go before a judge please any infor send to me [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
hightecredneck50 January 13, 2011
A recent ad was for a cigarette injector for 75.00. I bought it .A week later i called sales nd they said it would take 15 days to send beacuse they have thousands of orders. I was about to cancel the order(i should have) and saleman "terry" (the only salesman) said it would ship in 2 days. When i recieved It i turned it on -the motor smoked and make a horrible grinding noise. i turned it on and off -same thing. i repacked and the next day called for a return. They offered to only send me to "tech Support". Hell the motor wa... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
cargortsmx Dion Harnishfeger
Att Pro January 13, 2011
cargortsmx Dion Harnishfeger is a fraud and is transporting illegally as per the federal laws with NO min. required $750, 000 commercial cargo insurance in force with the Gov to be legal. Thats no protection for your cargo, (Gov Proof below)...NO CDL, DOT, MC and ICC #S and not displayed on the side of your owned or leased legal trucks like all legal commercial trucks must running DOT hrs & log books. You need proper government authority to transport for hire and to be legal. You have not. We have filed against him. Do not use this guy or... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States


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