LOCATION: United Kingdom

Who's who publication
Ann Barnes Wright January 23, 2011
Why is the title of the publication "Who's Who" when it should be "Who's Whom" ? (subject-verb-object). read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Pure Collogen
Bob Urey January 22, 2011
I like many others have been charged a large sum of money for what was described as a 'free sample'. I too fell victim to over charging by this company on taken up their offer of a 'free trial' product 'pure collagen' on payment of £1.97 for post & package. I later discovered I had been charged £96.35 in total for this small sample. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
English Ian January 22, 2011
I do wish folk would not bother sending me garbage mail like this - and what's more; the picture on my profile should say it all. Dear English Ian, "sonia4u" has sent you a message on ComplaintsBoard.com: Greeting my dear, Complements of the season to you. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you. My name is Miss Sonia and my contact address is ( [email protected] ) I am a young beautiful girl with full of love and caring also romantic. well I come in contact with your profile today at... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
mdinesh20 January 22, 2011
They have taken £59.00 from my bank account Without my knowledge if its not returned. Further action will be taken as soon as possible. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Jaissy Franklin
jaissyfranklin January 22, 2011
Apple iPad 2 deals - Find the best offers & deals on iPad 2. Compare iPad 2 contracts, pay monthly & free gifts offers online with o2, 3, t-mobile, virgin, vodafone & orange at Apple iPad 2 Deals UK. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
ggtired January 22, 2011
I ordered some Advantage and was told that it shipped that same day. It never arrived. When I wrote the company repeatedly, they kept blaming the weather or some other weird excuse. I asked for a tracking number so I could figure out exactly where the package was located. It was never provided. They actually told me that perhaps it was located at my post office -- but of course, the post office would leave a note that a package was available for pickup. I disputed the charge to my credit card company and I am going to report them to websites such as this so others will not be fooled. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
Heather Doxford January 21, 2011
On the 26th December we ordered a pair of ugg boots from the website unforgettableyou these ugg boots when arrived were fake. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Vera V Christopher
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Flight number EK511
Mr P Raja January 21, 2011
On 5 January 2011 in Delhi on the metro I got my wallet stolen. In my wallet I had all my credit cards and cash. Due to this reason I had to come back early as we did not have any more money left to continue with our holiday. We expalined this to your staff and I have been informed to write to you to get the £150 back which I had to pay. Could you please reimburse this money as this was a genuine reason for early return. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
Mobile Phones Free Gifts
James Tailer January 21, 2011
Mobile Phones with Free Gifts - Buy latest contract mobile phone deals with free gifts. Also compare best free offers & gift deals among major networks at Mobile Phones with Free Gifts UK. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Exxonmobil Award
Dinagaran January 21, 2011
i got one email it has been mention u got some prize (£1, 000, 000.00 British Pounds)so it ill be tranfer ur account so u ill be open one account in(Nationwide Bank Of England)i dont know it is ..!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
colin gallie
colin44 January 21, 2011
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
quick credit report
jaffa January 20, 2011
i have only browsed the website to find that quick credit score, have taken £29.90 out of my account without my permission or me signing any thing to say they can . can anyone give me any advice how to get my money back i have been on there web site telling them its illegal and not to take any more money out of my account and told them to put the money back into my account .but if any one can tell me what to do to get the money back i will be very greatfull . kind regards glyn read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
philip koske January 20, 2011
I received a text on my mobile telling me the I had won 250, 000 POUNDS IN THE UK NOKIA MOBILE PROMOTION, I WANT YOU TO CONFIRM TO ME WEATHER IT IS A SCAM OR WHAT read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
ladyengland January 20, 2011
NorthWestWebSolutions and TopHostingUK have merged. I was with TopHostingUK for 2 years and was very satisfied. However, since the merge, I am dealing primarily with NWWS, and their service is abysmal. The server suffered a multitude of problems, and I lost a lot of data with no explanations and no apologies. Today I signed up with another host and they were transferring my accounts when NWWS found out and have taken my server offline. They refuse to allow me access to my sites until I pay them £40 for another month, even though my... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
intl mobile draw in uk
vdiwakar January 20, 2011
I got a sms from intl mobile draw in uk, I had won 250000.00 pound in this lucky draws is this true?? or false if this is true then it a best for me if this fack then plz prevent this tye fack information in future. Thanks Vinod diwakar Mobile:- 09827613344 read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
zoom bingo
linda brannigan January 20, 2011
i was sent a email by zoom bing and said i haa free £5 so i went to play and i won the pj £1000 and they wont let me draw it out they sayin its free money and not mine but y carnt i wager the limit and have my winnings other sights do i think its a right rip off if u can not have the winnings u should not be aloud to play big money games as stated in some other sights there just rippin off there deposited player when i complained the kicked me out of the room for a hr and they wont replay to my emails read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
battery trade
high quality charger January 20, 2011
Solanas may sound like a futuristic ice cream gift, but really, can a great promise to help power cars, cell phones and laptops. Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy have developed new nanoscale materials called Solanas who say do a better electrodes in lithium ion batteries. Made from a combination of carbon, aluminum and silicon, sunny resemble an ice cream cone with a scanning electron microscope. Professor Nikhil Koratkar RPI led a research team found that a lithium ion battery anode sunny fact can be... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Guardian Wealth Management
johnspain January 20, 2011
Guardian Wealth Management - Scam! Guardian Wealth Management is a so called wealth management company giving financial advice to expats around the world. The directors of the company are: /personal details removed/ Completely unregulated! Guardian Wealth Management, 3rd Floor, Abbey Business Centre, Orlyplein 85, Amsterdam, 1043D Again completely unregulated! The directors are fraudsters/con-artists. They all easily make £500, 000 plus per annum tax-free Guardian Wealth Management recruits sale... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
nokia premium
cyla January 20, 2011
hi i did got the same sms you guys did and i relpyed back and looked up and found this this not right at all I just hope they catch up with them to catch them out my was 900, ooo pounds in the nokia awards things that one. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
bhaiya January 20, 2011
your sms CONGRATS YOUR MOBILE NUMBER HAVE WON 500, 000 DOLLARS (5, LAKH USD) IN ONGOING 2011 SHELL INTL MOBILE-DRAW HELD IN UK, TO CLAIM CONTACT DR ALEX, via:[email protected] name-DHARMENDRA SINGh adrs-neharu nagar rewa m.p. cont no.-09229228262, 09424974162 email [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Lixus Labs
Lixus_Labs_Alibaba_Scam January 19, 2011
There is 1 prolific scammer on Alibaba.com who has scammed many unsuspecting buyers on Alibaba.com mainly via Western Union. He takes peoples money and does not send them a thing in return. He has just set up a website at lixuslabsuk.co.uk to try to get more people to send him more money, and he mainly uses Alibaba.com to get victims. Here are some of the names he has used to collect Western Union and Moneygram payments: James Cooper James Hibbert John Adams Samuel Ellerington David Racey Daniel Racey His real... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
formula1 north east ltd.
s.a.r.a.h. January 19, 2011
i bought my child a atv k110 for christmas from this shop, at the sub total of £550.00, straight away we noticed slight problems with the quad, 1=the lights werent wired up properly, 2=the dead man was not attached to the quad, 3=the back break wasnt working, 4=the ignition was coming out of the frame work, we sorted these few things out as we got no reply from the shop, when my child had a go on his quad he got petrol over his face and in his eyes as there was no vent pipe attached to the petrol tank and we hadnt realised. we thought we... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
Legal & General Buy Out Plan
Spectrum77 January 19, 2011
I James Scott applied to raise money from an old works pension I had invested with Legal & General Assurance. I was given a quote by Legal & General on 24/6/10 that £859.58 would be deducted from the money to be transferred which they called the M.V. adjustment. Three weeks later when the money was transferred without warning that had deducted £1659.58 an increase of 100% on the original quote. It is absolutely incredible that they think they can get away with this. I have asked them for an explanation for the 100%... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
coca cola company plc
anil kakkar January 19, 2011
for coca cola company plc declare the promo award to my website and the prize was gbp 100000.00, in this regards i have received the mail massage from customer care cent-re(mrs hanna Thomas) for collect the D/D from Mr. G. Brown at International Airport, New Delhi on 18/01/2011, Mr. G Brown call me and ask the D/D with them and for registration of this Draft in Ministry of Finance, New delhi how to clear you, I call to them and clear his Location after that no answer from them please inform me about this all episode, Are they false or Bogus read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
World Mobile New year Promo
Vigilant_abroad January 19, 2011
SMS are being sent around the world with the following notice: "Your cell number has won 250, 000pounds in the Ongoing World Mobile New year Promo. For claims enquire call +44 704 571 0369 or email: [email protected]" THIS IS OF COURSE A SCAM ... BEWARE!! I encourage everyone who reads this to CALL that number above (+44 704 571 0369) and let these guys have their phone lines clogged up by people who know they are scammers so that innocent people can be protected. BEWARE!! Do not believe these guys. They will... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
UK-Nokia Jackpot
Vigilant_abroad January 19, 2011
SMS are being sent around the world with the following notice: "Hurray!!! Your mobile number has won 500, 000 Pounds in the Ongoing uk-nokia Jackpot, for claims contact us via Email: [email protected] Tel +44 704 5700 209" THIS IS OF COURSE A SCAM ... BEWARE!! I encourage everyone who reads this to CALL that number above (+44 704 5700 209) and let these guys have their phone lines clogged up by people who know they are scammers so that innocent people can be protected. BEWARE!! Do not believe these guys. They... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Benz Automobile Groups Lottery Board.
Joseph Leslie January 19, 2011
can you please check these people? because they are constantly hounding me personally with their email and phone calls and many of the people whom I 've known have been cheated of huge sums of money read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Vision of the world company
Dhaif January 18, 2011
This company is fraud, since the got my money $450.00 as upfront commission to sell my time share for almost a year now, they gone away. I strongly recommend all timeshare owners not to deal with this company at all read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Ugg Australia Sale
Shannon 1993 January 18, 2011
I Recently Ordered Some Ugg Boots From wwww.UGGAUSTRALIA-SALE.CO.UK . I Ordered Them Nearly A Month Ago Now And I Also Recieved A Tracking Number And When I Go To Track It It Always Says That There Still In Hong Kong. When I Try To Search The Website It Says The Website No L1onger Comes Up And Also Says There Having Trouble. Buyers Beware I Believed The Website Was Real But Just Proves It Wasnt. The Transaction Was Made Almost Straight Away And Now I Havnt Recieved My Uggs And Still The Website Isnt Working read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
Top Spot Marketing SCAM
Top Spot Marketing SCAM January 18, 2011
Top Spot Marketing's scam is to promise you advertising on the top of the first page on Google, they take payment by credit card, then after a great amount of time spent searching, you find a link to your advert on at the bottom of page 15. I mean, who is going to spend that amount of time looking for a roofer in London. When you cancel, within their 30 day agreement, they ignore you and a month later take another payment. They change their phone numbers, fax number and email addresses. If you manage to track them down they hang up. Then they take another payment! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
john southworth January 18, 2011
since the 30th april 2010 TWO payments of £ 19.95 have been taken from my bank account around the end of each month. I was not aware of this until today and have never received any communication from either company to justify these withdrawls . read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
gordonbeeken January 18, 2011
Like all the other complaints about this company, i paid for a couple of DVD's and they never arrived. I would like to start by saying that i should have known better. The first thing to alert me that this website was dodgy was that there is no contact telephone numbers or postal addresses to get in contact with the seller. The second is that when i received an email confirmation from paypal telling me who i had paid the username was childlike and unprofessional, not becoming for a reputable online retailer. My only saving grace from the... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
nelliott22 January 18, 2011
I ordered some tall chesnut ugg boots off this website about 3 weeks ago. They have emailed me to say they received my payment and to look out for these bank links on my bank statement (CHONGQING LISHAN TRADING / ZHISHITONGSHANGMAO / TITAN CO. / JORINUSNOW.INFO.. ) and also that I will be charged a bank fee. This is correct I was charged a fee but neither of these links came up on my statement, instead I had www.pvpslippers.com appear. When I put this in google, it says how it is in China and I cannot find the the original website I ordered... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Spin_zn January 18, 2011
i enjoyed shopping online while I lived in the U.K, especially off this site lookfantastic.com Whenever I confirmed payment, I would get this offer of a voucher for 10 pounds off my next purchase. I clicked 'approve'. The next thing I know, my Lloyds TSB savings account is being debited for "shopper discounts.co.uk" and "MY-TIME-REWARDS.CO.UKCD" for 10 pounds each! How is this happening? Is it possible to get my money back? read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
pharmacom scam
jakobb January 18, 2011
ordered steroids from moldova, they took my money and threatened me by email. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Niraj B Joshi January 17, 2011
Today he contact to me on my mobile & he said that i have to deposit 20, 000 cash pay for the airport unit aviation clearance upon the arrival of your winning prize. I want the indian govt. has taken action against frod lottary drawer. IRISH MOBILEDRAWS <[email protected]> Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 3:25 PM To: [email protected] The Promotion Department IRISH LOTTERY 22 Garden Close, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2YP, London United Kingdom. http://irishlotteryinte.weebly.com DEAR NIRAJ BHANUDAS... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Auto Traffic Hijack, http://autotraffichijack.com
pete burns January 17, 2011
I bought this product through Clickbank in December, I received no confirmation email with a link to the product as after a long sales pitch to upgrade and several other offers I was unable to find the page to download the product. I went to click bank after a few days and no response to my emails and tried to download it from there. I downloaded the software but not the access to the members area where I would be shown how to use it, I then emailed Clickbank and told them what happened on the 01/11 and since then I have sent them at least... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
peopletobeburned January 17, 2011
I receive an email from them and offered a job in Ireland, asked to pay 32Euro and 16Euro through [email protected] Please see below details: You already have an employer, expecting your official documents/you will find the list below in this letter/. We would like once again to confirm your job offer details: Job Title: Farm worker Job Status: Full-Time Organization: Eoin Phelan (Dairy Farm) Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford, Ireland Location: Ireland Shift: Day Contract: Permanent /Length: 2 year with opportunity... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
isha bailor
isha bailor January 16, 2011
dear sir/madam, I wish to query the payment taken from my account regarding my faulty sony trinitron tv, i was told you will only take the money if the problem is solved, i am currently without tv because the problem has not been solved and you didnt answer the question i asked. I will appreciate if you credit my account with the £18 you took from my account Much appreciated read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom


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