This was a message forwarded to me by the owner of the group, this is supposed to be a spiritual man selling spiritual products and running a spiritual forum:
* [Maria~ Vodou Temple & V.T.B~] Maria~ Vodou Templ...
May 4, 2009 7:19 PM
RE: "Vodou Temple"
Well Clockwork it appears that you stop wearing women clothing, however you by far from being a man. Have anyone notice about your criminal records, you past and why you live the way you do. Does anyone ever ask you don’t work or have a job?
The problem is first you are mentally disabled!
Second I know about your criminal History.
Most importantly is the fact that you Love young Boys” You’re gay” admit it.
The Brothers are correct, when you met me you wanted a Gay Partner unfortunately I am a too straight for you (little Sister.)
Men up?
Dude currently you have a skirt on and taking p up the Hershey alley from your Zombie papa.
Don’t you ever fucking talk about me, I don’t fucking know you!!!Let my name taste like shit in your mouth because it’s where your mouth is all the time in same men’s asshole!!!
You not a freak!!!You way more than that!!!You live with your girl and a male gay lover who happens to be a transvestite, so you want to be a Homo thug!!!Dude, let us not bring your girl into this since you mention her” I am not sure you want this and if you do and you not such a fucking pussy so men up! Face me!!!Face me! Stop hiding behind the Cici boys. Mambo, Listen Girl friend, you did this to yourself, you hate the woman, you call her a slut!!I still have the last message you left! You degraded mambo lareina and try to run scare tactic on her so she can by your fake Maccumba Craps! what the fuck do you know, the only thing you good at is being on hands and knees and taking back shots from Zombie boy as your girl friend there suck the juice out of his ass!!!
You petty to me, and thank you so much for being so controversial because it helps my popularity!!!You fucking Mascara wearing freak! Aids infested Fuck!!Look at you! You look as if you on crack! You are a fucking Freak! I was ashamed to call you a brother; you don’t belong to society and you not a Bokor!!Please!!I gave you that Ridiculous title because I felt I needed to make you feel like somebody! Everyone hates you!!!They hate your grayish, queer ways; you talk more than the girls in skirts!!Remember I have no issues bring this to public and find your punk ass in your gay sanctuary! NC “Now let us sees you’re a man enough and contact me! Easy to talk to the girls, it’s what girls do but talk to the Big dogs you Shemale! You stop your bitch from talking to me because you know she would be on her knees worshiping sin’s cock, you got jealous you fagot, you wanted that cock!!Sorry Cici boy you dumb trany, Sin don’t swing this way! By the way
!everyone now knows you’re a trany and you dress like a femme, you stupid fuck!!You even told lareina you have both cock and a pussy!!!I don’t talk to cici girls!!Hey, listen, I used you for the temple, your reputation and everything! Now your depost! Nothing!
Prove to me you’re a man VC, talk to me! Call me you got my phones! If you seek to harass, rest assured I will bring you the same havoc, same pain, nothing less only more.
While none of this has any basis in reality it does however offend me because while I myself am not gay I do have gay friends and this would have hurt them deeply if they were in my position..not only that but this kind of harrassment has gone on for almost a year now...I'm tired of it.
I not only want to expose this man and his site as a fraud, but also show this "spiritual man" as the violent, gay-bashing, liar that he is...He also threatened to "come find my punkass" and "bring me some havok, sojme pain, nothing less only more" I not only want this man exposed but am also looking to file legal charges for his vile words...and all I did was tell him he was wrong and asked him for an apology for misdeeds done to me...
I hope something can be done about people like this...because that message was disgusting...
P.S. Below is attached a photo of this man...