This is NOT resolved to my satisfaction. The savings pass does me no good! I will NEVER use your service again. I relied on you to deliver a gift to my mother. I paid you a week in advance but you kept my funds and then waited till late Saturday afternoon to tell me that you could not deliver the flowers. Much past the time that I could make any other arrangements. My mother ended up getting nothing for mother's day.
I believe that consumers should know that they should be wary of the claims of A lousy email to notify me of their failure of service and their inadequate apology is not acceptable. Why did they ask for a phone number from me when I ordered the flowers? Certainly not to contact me.
I beleive that consumers should know that they are potentially wasting their time and money by attempting to use their service and if they do take a chance with that they should do it only if they don't care whether the flowers are delivered or NOT!
Angry Customer