They sell us a Blacberry 8310 as a better option than the Blacberry 9630 that we were asking for. They use their technical knowledge to ambush their clients. They sell us an 8310 at a higher price (U$S 550) than they were asking for the 9630 (499). After an internet search we notice the 8310 is a very old model it has less screen resolution (¨just a little bit¨, according to Martin Mammoliti, the seller) and fewer features. We return four more times to the store in order to change the model or to obtain a refund. Nothing happened.
An internet search shows lots of complains about this store and about the selling ¨strategies¨ of Martin in particular.
My question is who has to take all this complains into consideration. Who has to stop this unfair practices.
To the people who are reading this, please don’t even think to enter 192 and please don’t be ambush by Mr. Martin with his siren songs.