I received documents in the mail enclosed in an envelope marked IPD. Within these documents (4 in total) I was identified as an individual who had been assigned property of a 2008 Land Rover Station Wagon. I was also given a claim number and told that if I did not want the vehicle I could take it's market cash value of $42, 560 USD. Immediately I browsed the documents and quickly found what I was looking for: a disposition verification in which I was requested to pay $20.00 assignment fee. Having watched the Scams and Frauds program from the UK I knew right away this was not something on the up and up. No one pays for a prize unless they are purchasing a lottery ticket or raffle ticket on something they have themselves sought. In addition, when I called the company that deals with Land Rover's closest to me...I was told that they had never heard of any such contest or prize promotion.
My notion is that these scammers have somehow downloaded my info off the internet when I have been surfing the web. I do have a scanner and security program that watches for this but as soon as new software is created there are those who find ways to beat it. I automatically always check fraud on the internet. Just by putting in the least bit of information I came up with loads of sites where other victims have fallen for this scam. BE WISE!! If it's too good to be true...it usually is not true!!
I would suggest contacting the police and advising them that this scam has reached your area and they will advise in a local bulletin of sorts to watch out for these leaches. Secondly pass the info around by word of mouth...at work, socializing, church...wherever there are people who will listen. Stop these nasties in there tracks. Good Luck!!