Watch out for this website if you are try to get a paydayloan or paydaycash advance for their $19.00 application fee charge. They do state in the contract that if you do get a loan or cash advance with them there's just the one time application fee. What they don't say is that if you didn't qualifiy you don't get any E-Mails from them. What you do get is an E-Mail stating "Your Almost There Just One More Step In Getting Your Approved Loan". Then you go back to their website thinking okay this time I should be getting the loan. So you get charged another $19.00. The last E-Mail I got from them their was not message attached say jack or jill
Without knowing I got charged $44.00 from that company. Again I found out from my alerts and always checking my activity to my account. That's how I found out. Sent them an E-Mail stating to them that they are scaming, frauding, and misleading customers with their E-Mails. PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND DON'T LET THIS COMPANY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU LIKE THEY DID ME!!!