Well, this happened over 3 yrs ago, but I found out about this forum this morning...hence reporting this!
I joined 24 hr fitness about 3 years ago, and I paid them $500 for a set of 10 sessions with a personal trainer. I only went for the 1st session where they check your weight and BMI and give you a tour of the facility. 2 days later I found out that I was pregnant(and had some complications) and the doctor asked me to lay off exercises for sometime since I had never done it before. I asked 24 hr fitness for a refund and they said it couldnt be done.
Every time I called the customer service they would transfer me to a different person and I would have to tell my complaint all over again. Later they asked me to send them a letter from the doctor regarding the same, which I did. Its been 3 years now and I still haven't got my money back. I have resolved NEVER to go back again!
I understand that the deal with policies but there should be exceptions made, especially when one has a valid reason and a Doctor's letter to prove it.