24 Hour Fitness

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9838 Kester Avenue, North Hills, California, United States

Phone number: 626-318-8131

24 Hour Fitness Reviews

April 28, 2008
Crime at 24 Hour Fitness Locations
I cancelled my membership after my friend who worked in internal investigations for 24 Hour Fitness was terminated for what I believe is whistle blowing. Here’s the kicker, it took 24 Hour Fitness 5 months, after I notified them of my request, to cancel my month to month membership. They continued to take money out of my checking account - like many others I see on this website. In fact, this is how I found this website. My friend said that it didn’t surprise him that this delay happened, and that I wouldn’t be able to fix things right away. This made me think that this happens way more than what I read here.

Ok, first of all I am very upset as I write this. It is interesting that my friend, who was working as an investigator or loss prevention employee, was terminated after he uncovered unlawful and ethical issues involving lower, middle, and upper management staff. He said he couldn’t tell me specific details about this at this time. I do know that he was devastated when he was terminated, as I know that he dedicated his everyday life to helping the members at 24 Hour Fitness. I asked him why they terminated him and he said that they didn’t give him a reason, but he said that he had received a positive review and a raise just a month before. I know from talking to him, he was always at work, that he was dedicated to his job and did things like talking to members about their lockers, cars, and how they could prevent their cars from getting robbed.

I am writing this story because when I last spoke to my friend, I found out he had been blown-off by the legal department at 24 Hour Fitness leading up to his decision to sue them in court. He mentioned to me that his attorney just filed a lawsuit against 24 Hour Fitness in Orange County. Being that he was an internal investigator or loss prevention employee, I don’t know the difference but I know that he looked into safety, ethical, and criminal problems, I know that he has witnessed all sorts of bad things that occurred and were tolerated on a regular basis. Heck, from the bad things I have seen written by so many of you on this board I’m sure he has a lot to say. Since I had to wait 5 months for 24 Hour Fitness to stop taking money out of my checking account (I still haven’t received a refund for this time I didn’t use the gym) I don’t have any faith in this company.

I asked my friend what exactly he is suing 24 Hour Fitness for. He said that he shouldn’t tell me at this time because of confidentiality. I asked him if the lawsuit would become public record. He said he thinks so. So I asked why he couldn’t say anything. He said that there are many detrimental issues addressed in the lawsuit. He also said he saved a lot of proof that will ultimately become part of the lawsuit through the discovery process. He said that at this time it would probably become part of the public record. I asked him if he could ask his lawyer what he could tell me. He probably won’t, does anyone have any advice for me to get details from court records?

I know from my friendly discussions with him throughout his employment, that if any member knew what he knew, they would probably join another gym ASAP. I remember one time when I told him that I saw a news report about how many lockers and cars are constantly broken into. He said there are things that any business should do to address this issue and many have done so with excellent results. I’m sure that this is going to be part of his lawsuit. I wonder if the celebrities like Magic Johnson, Andre Agassi, Lance Armstrong, and whoever else who have clubs named after them would be embarrassed when finding out about what he has to say.

One time my friend asked me advice about what I would do about some bad stuff he uncovered, but had no one to turn to that he felt safe doing so without losing his job. I was amazed at the management structure he was in that appeared to be like a “good ole boy’s club.”

I asked him if I could see the lawsuit papers so I could get the juicy details. He said he didn’t have a copy for me and then laughed at me, but said would give me the case number and a copy of the lawsuit when he gets it. I told him that I am pissed because of the problems that they caused him that I still see affect him today. I have known my ex-employee friend of 24 Hour Fitness for a long time and am going to do what I can legally do to let all of you know so you can help yourselves with issues that may be relevant.

The only problem at this time is that he won’t give me details right now because he said, it is not public record. Is this true that he can’t tell me? Well, if I have to, I intend to get a hold of the public record that I just know will probably be shocking for 24 Hour Fitness’s members, as soon as I can get it from the court house. Anyone who knows how to get this information can contact me to help me out, unless my friend will be able to give me his case information. My friend is being restrained about discussing the stuff he knows to others and myself. I think he doesn’t want to tell me details of what he knows or has because he doesn’t want to hurt his case against 24 Hour Fitness. Like I said, I am the opposite and will legally tell what I can find out from the courts on this case. I will update this as soon as I can, including the case number if it helps.

he first stage before taking action is to make sure the comments you have found on the internet are indeed defamatory. This can be difficult to prove but essentially a comment will be defamatory if it tends to make 'reasonable' people think worse of its intended target.
April 28, 2008
Terrible company!
I canceled my membership when my friend who worked in internal investigations for 24 Hour Fitness was terminated for what I believe is whistle blowing. Heres the kicker, it took 24 Hour Fitness 5 months (after I notified them of my request) to cancel my month-to-month membership. They continued to take money out of my checking account - like many others I see on this website. In fact, this is how I found this website. My friend said that it didn't surprise him that this delay happened, and that I wouldn't be able to fix things right away. This made me think that this happens way more than what I read here.

Ok, first of all I am very upset as I write this. It is interesting that my friend, who was working as an investigator or loss prevention employee, was terminated after he uncovered unlawful and ethical issues involving lower, middle, and upper-management staff. He said he couldn't tell me specific details about this at this time. I do know that he was devastated when he was terminated, as I know that he dedicated his everyday life to helping the members at 24 Hour Fitness. I asked him why they terminated him and he said that they didn't give him a reason, but he said that he had received a positive review and a raise just a month before. I know from talking to him (he was always at work) that he was dedicated to his job and did things like talking to members about their lockers, cars, and how they could prevent their cars from getting robbed.

I am writing this story because when I last spoke to my friend, I found out he had been blown-off by the legal department at 24 Hour Fitness leading up to his decision to sue them in court. He mentioned to me that his attorney just filed a lawsuit against 24 Hour Fitness in Orange County. Being that he was an internal investigator or loss prevention employee (I don't know the difference but I know that he looked into safety, ethical, and criminal problems) I know that he has witnessed all sorts of bad things that occurred and were tolerated on a regular basis. Heck, from the bad things I have seen written by so many of you on this board I’m sure he has a lot to say. Since I had to wait 5 months for 24 Hour Fitness to stop taking money out of my checking account (I still havent received a refund for this time I didnt use the gym) I don't have any faith in this company.

I asked my friend what exactly he is suing 24 Hour Fitness for. He said that he shouldnt tell me at this time because of confidentiality. I asked him if the lawsuit would become public record. He said he thinks so. So I asked why he couldnt say anything. He said that there are many detrimental issues addressed in the lawsuit. He also said he saved a lot of proof that will ultimately become part of the lawsuit through the discovery process. He said that at this time it would probably become part of the public record. I asked him if he could ask his lawyer what he could tell me. He probably wont, does anyone have any advice for me to get details from court records?

I know from my “friendlyâ€Â? discussions with him throughout his employment, that if any member knew what he knew, they would probably join another gym ASAP. I remember one time when I told him that I saw a news report about how many lockers and cars are constantly broken into. He said there are things that any business should do to address this issue and many have done so with excellent results. I am sure that this is going to be part of his lawsuit. I wonder if the celebrities like Magic Johnson, Andre Agassi, Lance Armstrong, and whoever else who have clubs named after them would be embarrassed when finding out about what he has to say.

One time my friend asked me advice about what I would do about some bad stuff he uncovered, but had no one to turn to that he felt safe doing so without losing his job. I was amazed at the management structure he was in that appeared to be like a “good ole boys club.

I asked him if I could see the lawsuit papers so I could get the juicy details. He said he didn't have a copy for me – and laughed at me, but said would give me the case number and a copy of the lawsuit when he gets it. I told him that I am pissed because of the problems that they caused him that I still see affect him today. I have known my “ex-employee� friend of 24 Hour Fitness for a long time and am going to do what I can legally do to let all of you know so you can help yourselves with issues that may be relevant.

The only problem at this time is that he wont give me details right now because he said, “it is not public record.â€Â? Is this true that he cant tell me? Well, if I have to, I intend to get a hold of the public record that I just know will probably be shocking for 24 Hour Fitness members, as soon as I can get it from the court house. Anyone who knows how to get this information can contact me to help me out (unless my friend will be able to give me his case information). My friend is being restrained about discussing the stuff he knows to others and myself. I think he doesn't want to tell me details of what he knows or has because he doesn't want to hurt his case against 24 Hour Fitness. Like I said, I am the opposite and will legally tell what I can find out from the courts on this case. I will update this as soon as I can, including the case number if it helps.
April 8, 2008
Parents beware
Parents Beware ~ On Friday March 14, 2008 my 8 year old daughter went to the Kids Club at 24 Hour Fitness for the first time. During her 60 minute stay, she witnessed one of the child care attendants aggressively pick up a toddler that would not stop crying and verbally abuse this child. While this was taking place she witnessed the second child care attendant do nothing to remedy the situation.

My daughter had to wait in fear for her own well being until I picked her up after my workout.

As a parent and new member of the gym, I was appalled and horrified to hear about her experience. I phoned management immediately and filed a complaint. I was met with little to no response.

I phoned the Sheriff's Dept. and went to the gym on Monday the 17th to file a formal complaint. I had a mtg. with 2 mgrs., the VP of the Region and the person who enrolled me. Once again, I was given little to no response.

I am still waiting to hear what actions have been taken to safe guard our children that we blindly entrust to gym employees. No phone calls have been returned, no action has been taken.

I guess it is acceptable to allow hourly paid employees physically and verbally abuse our children, I mean it must come with our monthly dues, right?

Thanks 24 Hour Fitness for terrifying my 8 yr old daughter and allowing children's safety to be less than a priority in your eyes.
February 13, 2008
Deceptive advertising and harassment!
I've been a 24 hour fitness (in Hillcrest, San Diego)member for almost 6 years now. When I rejoined the gym and prepaid for 3 years in Jan 2007 to receive 5 free training sessions as advertised, the trainers were not available during the day or early evenings because they got other paying clients. I did finally get an appointment with and trainer Dan, and was told he canceled the session when I showed up (without warning) because he needed time to train someone else. I was told 3 months later I no longer got the free training because it had passed the time frame to receive free training sessions. My second complaint is the Hillcrest gym fails to maintain their equipment. It takes more than a month to fix a broken cardio machine and their reason is always that they are waiting for parts. The gym is over crowded and the men's locker room is sometimes unsanitary. Recently, one trainer in particular, John Miller, has been verbally aggressive and made physically threatening gesture by yelling within couple inches to my face, because I protested that he occupies more than a workout machine for his client at the same time during the rush hour in an overcrowded gym. Exercising in the gym is supposed to be a relaxing time at the end of the day for me, but the experience in this 24 Hour fitness has been unpleasant despite my best effort. They make an effort to get as many people to join as possible but they do not maintain their gym with treat people with respect for paying members.
November 4, 2007
They do not enforce towel policy!
The 24Hour Fitness in Concord CA does not enforce the towel policy. Carrying a towel and wiping down the equipment is standard policy for this club. Yet none of the front office staff, nor any of the sales personnel enforces or is willing to ask users to carry a towel. With the increase in skin staph infections, this is gross and not healthy. What will it take, a lawsuit to enforce this basic cleanliness requirement. 24 Hour Fitness is all show, no go. They gladly take your money and then do not maintain their club.
September 24, 2007
Rip off, unauthorized charges!
In addition to the numerous complaints I see against this company, I think we should all ban together and sue 24 Hour Fitness , or at least be able to join the ongoing lawsuit filed in California, I live in Colorado and from what I have heard, they are nothing but a big rip off. I guess if you are famous and don't mind missing money , then by all means enjoy your membership, I myself am a hard working individual and need to know where every penny is. Not only did 24 Hour fitness not take payments they were supposed to,they decided once they realized the payments weren't being drafted to take money each week from my account, after a month and $245 on a $49/month membership I said something to several people and was assured the money would be replaced, that was a lie!! I still to this day do not have my money back and after numerous complaints and letters to 24 Hour Fitness, I can say I probably never will without the help of a lawyer. So if anyone knows a good one let me know.
September 21, 2007
Would not stop billing my account!
I canceled my 6 year family account with 24 Hour Fitness 6 months ago, which took a 20 minute phone call. The next month I received another bill on my auto bill debit card. I have since been billed every month and had to call in and get it refunded. Which they did refund... however, for the past two month I have gotten another set of bills (for a very reduced fee of only $7.62) which most folks might not miss.

I called in again and got a CSR that refused to send me to her supervisor. She insisted on getting my information (3-5 minutes of what she needed) and then told me I was unpleasant to her and disconnected me. I called in again and got someone who said the same things, but stopped the billing. But did not refund the money. I had to call in again to get the refund. Each call takes at least 15 minutes. I have Google Searched for a Corporate office of some kind and there is nothing located.

Simply the worst customer service I have ever experienced. Plus definite scam on the auto bill... they will continue until you give up... spend hours of your time to get them to stop.
September 6, 2007
Unauthorized charges!
After my previous complaint (see 8/21/07) against the Ft Worth TX 24 Hr Fitness I was told by management that I would not be charged for not giving 30 days notice before leaving and that I would be reimbursed for the month of August since I was threatened with having my membership revoked and could not use the gym for August and had to go somewhere else and pay for a membership. Of course they are not only accusing and rude without reason... they are also dishonest and charged my account anyway. I tried to get something in writing from them but that was not possible and getting a hold of someone at corporate is also impossible. Basically they ripped me off and that money was way more important than my longtime membership and all of the good advertising that I had given them as a figure competitor.
September 5, 2007
Poor service!
To America's Biggest Loser, It sure ain't me. I miss and need my workouts. Since the beginning of the year the pool has been closed many different times. 3 days here a week there for a total of MORE THAN 30 days because of water quality issues (The pool was just plain old dirty).

It is presently closed and has been for the past 10 days and management has no idea when it will be re-open to the membership. Why I asked the service manager Jane Doe and she said, "because we do not know and I don't want to give out misinformation." I pressed her further and she stated that the law is now requiring them to install a new filtration system and the corporate office is aware of this scenario. The law? I said. She clarified by saying it is the Health Department and their notice is posted.

I am at wits end. I can only swim and exercise in the pool due to severe knee and ankle problems. Not to mention that it has been over 100 degrees the entire time the pool has been closed. AGAIN! IT HAS BEEN CLOSED FOR MORE THAN A MONTHS TIME THIS YEAR ALONE. IN FACT, IT REMAINS CLOSED AS YOU READ THIS.

Beware people!
August 26, 2007
Every time I work out at the GARDEN GROVE location in ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA the employees at the service desk seems so busy talking to each other about nothing and most of the time when an associate is alone that particular employee is spaced out or looking somewhere. When you gave your card to be scanned they dont even acknowledge that your in front of them they are always busy to say HI
to even nod and they dont smile.
Today AUG. 26 SAT. 2007, As soon as we enter there were about 6 associate sitting on a counter behind the service desk and i beleived two of them were club managers they are talking loudly as usual about nothing. One of the associate approach us without saying anything he just reach over his hand to scan our membership cards.
On your way out its the same thing no acknowledgement.

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