This site sells COUNTERFEIT or FAKE stuff. These shoes are so bad compared to the real shoes. The reviews for their shoes are made by their workers. I have an account from ordering there and even I can't put up a review. This site is complete s***. I ordered Kobe Zoom VI online for cheap and when I got them, you can completely tell that the shoes were fake. Even me, a girl who is complete not up-to-date on these fancy basketball shoes, could tell that they were fake. So, just to make sure, I took them to my local foot locker, and omg, all the guys working there tell me it's fake. They showed me all the aspects on how it was fake. The logo on the shoe was too skinny compared to the real ones. Also, all real and authentic shoes have a blue stamp underneath the insole of the shoes, and these did not have the stamp. The Kobe Bryant signature on the back of the shoe was slightly faded and not similar to the real ones and the oval areas that surround the signature are supposed to be made of suede, but these fake ones are made of just regular plastic. Also, these fake ones are much heavier than the real ones.
I email-ed them about a possible refund, and they keep saying that it's real, when you can totally tell that they are, in fact, NOT! I gave them multiple reason why they're fake and they keep lying that they're real and that I'm mistaken. This website needs to get shut down NOW.