When initially interviewed I was told there were plenty of leads for the in-home sales force. They said they were growing and need help to handle leads. I should have know something was up when the sales trainer, Ryan, said to make a list of family and friends during our first day of training.
On the third day of training I was told that I had to call family and friends and make appointments to "practice on them." It became apparent that they actually wanted us to stumble across some sales and get sime referrals from them. LET ME BE CLEAR--- During the interview with the sales manager, Bruce Leventhal, there was NO mention of having to generate my own leads. Indeed when I called him after the first day of training he said, "The company wants you to get 20% self-generated leads." When I talked to him on the third day of training he said, "I told you in the interview you had to generate %20 of your own leads.
This is totally false and I am not the only one at training caught off gaurd. And 20% self generated? Well, it seems like 100% to me!!! I was also told by Bruce Leventhal that "Leads were light right now", the home show should help, he added. WHY TRY TO DOUBLE YOU SALES FORCE IF YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH LEADS FOR THEM??????
My advice to all potential salespeople at 2daysbath is that you be prepared to suck off of your family and friends, JUST LIKE NEW INSURANCE REPS DO!!!
Totally dishonest way to treat employees. Oh, by the way, the employee agreement you have to sign on day one--- NO MENTION OF SELF GENERATED LEADS AT ALL!!! STAY AWAY FROM 2daysbath