I was referred by my friend (who was leaving UK for Canada) to 3. His phone number was 078xxxxxxxx. He has spoken to 3 coustomer services to transfer his account details to me before leaving. I did so on last monday means 16th of March. Coustomer services lady told me all is ok even on my enquiry about my friend's contract. I have given all my bank details. Lady promised to send me the SIM card. Doing all this from my PAYG mobile phone cost me more than £12. I have not used any 3 services yet because I have no 3 SIM card. Today I recieved a 3 bill without any SIM card giving me same contract in £25.72 while my friend was paying less than £5. Remember I have not claimed any phone set for this contract. This is simple transfer of one account to other. I am simply being cheated by 3. I have spoken to coustomer services at 17:03 today after reading the bill when I returned from work. this was a 29 minutes call cost me £7.25. The representative tried to cheat me again and wasted my time and money by giving more and more offers of handsets which I am sure can get from any high street shop. Now tell me what to do with these people after this much cheating and unlawful behaviour.