3D Ranch Properties used to build high-end homes, luring in potential buyer to purchase an overly appraised property/home. Their land and home were well-furnished with expensive upgrades, livestock, horses and expensive vehicles. Both parties were involved with the mortgage contract, from start to finish, including having their personal notorary on site.
I was friends with these scammers and ended up losing my retirement in the 6-digit amount. I received 2 bad checks totaling $20, 000 that the small town district attorney did not want to prosecute. I was stuck with the payments of a Polaris that they used on the ranch, when the buyer stopped paying and the vehicle was in my name.
I was a real estate investor with their company. I was talked into purchasing an existing home, plus invest in a newly constructed home. Both homes have been foreclosed. One home had a second mortgage, thus leaving me with a $90, 000 debt after foreclosure.
Both homes were appraised by their 'personal appraiser, ' who last year committed suicide. Many of us have concluded that he took his life because of these fraudulent incidents. The appraiser was found guilty of providing false appraisals a few years prior.
I provided $47, 500 to one of the 3D Ranch Properties owners because of a piece of land that they wanted to develop. The land was to be in my name. I later learned that he pocketed my money, with no intentions to repay me for my loss. I was also out $42, 000 for a backhoe that he did not reimburse me for.
Many others have been ripped off by the people who own 3D Ranch Properties. Total damages are in the 7-digits. Now the owners have claimed bankruptcy, stopping victims from collecting their money.
It is true when you hear the statement that you can't trust your friends. This has been a terrible nightmare of stress and anger.
And what about the judicial system, you ask? I have an attorney. The unfortunate aspect is a 5 year wait for this case to go to trial. The anticipated end result is seeing two individuals incarcerated for a very long time.
If you watch the news, you have seen that mortgage scammers are paying the price, with both money and prison time. I believe that these two criminals will follow the trend. Greed was their goal, which will be costly.