My Bond Holder No. 06195486 matured on 11th March, 2010. I had sent a request for change of address and sent the documents as required by the authorities on 9th April, 2010. The Packet was delivered on 12th April, 2010 at the address communicated to me ie 3I Infotech Limited, Tower No. 5, 3rd Floor, International Infotech Park, Vashi Station Complex, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - Pin 400703.
I have made several calls to 3 I Office but to no avail. Upon requesting for an escalation, the telecallers refuse to give us the desired information ie the Escalation Process/ Name of the Officer to whom it is to be escalated or the Email Address.
My wife is a heart patient and I need money urgently. I have been running from pillar to post to get my money but the authorities at 3 I Infotech are not helping. I now wish to seek redressal from the Consumer Court for the mental harassment meted out by the 3 I Infotech Team.
Please help me. I can be reached at 9811172096/ 9136001635