On January 25, I noticed an unauthorized charge from 555 Diet Challenge on my credit card. I called the number on my online statement. I actually got a person. This gentleman was very nice. I told him about the charge. He stated he KNEW that the charge was posted and said that it was because the company was supplied with bad information. He apologized for the charge and said that I should see a credit in 7 to 10 business days. Well, of course, 7 to 10 business days had gone by and no credit. So I called my credit card company and waited for the dispute claim from to come in. I tried called the company 5 more times in the month of February, to which I had to leave messages 4 of the 5 times. On the 5th time, the number had been disconnected.
I think we should all get together and find a way to file a class action lawsuit against either this 55 Diet Challenge company and/or the company that they obtained our credit card and banking information from.
Also, this credit card that was charged, is listed on Pay Pal.