To whom it may Concern:
after reading about all these complaints about scams, why in gods name are you sitting back and letting these people make your name ,and corparation look like shit? you must be in on these
scams. so you should just send me my 600.000 gbp
now and get it over with. or you should do somrthing about these people and stop letting them get away with making your company look like theives. As it stands now i wouldnt have one of your cars if you drove it to the usa and parked it in my drive way, and said it your. i am going to writte to everyone i can and yell them to do the same thing. your sales are gona decline drasticly
in the uk because you will not do anything about
it, just like you will not do anything about the scams. have a nice retirement. there will be some other company to take over when your gone.