I was being charged $12.95/month on my AT&T phone bill through OAN Services for an account with adigitalvillage.com which I never signed up for. I called OAN and they put me through to A Digital Village to cancel my account. I cancelled it and I also called AT&T and they agreed to reverse the charges. But, on my next bill, the refund was there and then I was charged again for $12.95 for adigitalvillage.com. I finally spoke to someone at A Digital Village and they assured me that it would now be cancelled. When I asked them what their verification process was and how I could have been charged on my phone bill for something I never signed up for, she asked me if I lived on Canal Street. I said "no" and she said "oh, then, I'm not sure what happened." So, it is obvious that their verification process either does not exist or does not work.
I am hoping that I don't have to deal with these people again but I do want to make sure that this does not happen to anyone else.