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700 Laurel Oak RD, Voorhees, New Jersey, United States

Phone number: 856-783-4222

AAA Reviews

lynnbran June 17, 2010
horrible customer service
I never do this because I believe anybody can have a bad day but this is beyond one person and it looks like AAA is at fault. I have been a member for a couple of years and my family for alot longer. I have always had faith that AAA will be there when I needed them (its why I pay for the service).

At about 6 pm on 06/16/2010 I needed AAA my van broke down at a gas station leaving my new husband (whom i was going to get to become a member as well) at home with the kids and me stranded . I was 1 mile from my house and my husband came out to stay with me to make sure I was ok.

I had told him I contacted AAA to come get me and he could stay with the kids cause i would be home soon. He would have none of it thankfully and arrived to be with me within 10 minutes .

within 30 min AAA showed up!!! Saved, or so i thought, it turns out that AAA deemed it prudent not to send a tow truck (which i had asked for and the entire reason i have this membership) but instead to send me a salesman.

can you believe it! A salesman ! I never in a million years would have thought that .

The gentleman was very nice told us it was probably the battery is the problem and he would be happy to see if it was . My husband knew what was going on and tried to tell me we were in for a sales pitch . I told him he was being silly that i called for a tow and that is what i pay for .

well I had already been on the phone looking for a battery and found one for 60.00 the gentleman offered us a AAA battery for 115.00 right now ! what a deal ... sorry for the sarcasm but it gets worse.

My husband asked him if he bought this battery and the van did not strt would we still be required to purchase the battery and his question was avoided . so he declined thinking that the gentleman would just tow us the one mile to our home.

WRONG AGAIN!!! it seems that after AAA could not get more money from us they ditched us . The nice gentle man bid us a good day and gave us bottle water and said a tow was on the way leaving me bewildered as to what just happened . My help just took off . I guess to try to sell an over priced battery to another stranded person .

by now an hour and a half goes by and the nice sunny eavening turned into a lightening display that would make any fool run for cover. On top of it the road where the tow truck would be coming is now a construction nightmare

As we sit there smelling the tar fumes and hoping lightening doesn't get us or hoping our kids were behaving themselves for the 16 yo young lady we left them with (they weren't) I called again and was told that the call wasn't placed by the battery salesman and that no tow was on the way!

I waited longer and called back only to be told by the person answering the phone that "we know AAA sells batteries" lol can you believe it? this is not the work of one bad salesman it looks like AAA is selling batteries now.

my husband got on the phone and talked to a lady who transferred him to Armando the dispatch supervisor who was very unsympathetic to say the least and no matter what my husband said Armando would not budge told us it was not his problem basically and that a tow was on the way . My husband even said to please bring the battery guy back to hook us up just to get us home since he was there so quick the first time and was told that a tow truck was on the way AGAIN .

after some minutes we called back to inform them that our road was closed and the driver would be forced to come up another road AAA informed us that it should be there by 10 pm.

even after the warning the tow truck over shot us backed up against traffic drove over cones and crossed a construction area to get us home at 10 from 6 to 10 . funny how when the idea of making some money shows up AAA is right there nice and fast but when a paying member needs a service for something already paid for they dont care!

at the current time I will be looking for another roadside assistance company. My family is up in arms as to how we were treated and AAA is going to loose several clients . IN the grand scheme of things you will not miss us but i will tell my story every chance i get.

you want to keep us as clients ? i thought about this . how can AAA make it up to us if they care ? easy give me that battery that caused all of this trouble. If the tow truck would have been there like I asked for then we wouldn't have experianced the storm or construction and we wouldnt have had to worry about our kids who didnt eat til ten pm either cause thats what i went out for .

I am buying a battery this evening when i get off If AAA doesn't try to make my happy other wise reply to this thread my computer will be on all day and my husband is home .
Darrell March 30, 2010
I am a disabled ASE Master Auto Technician. Having taken my vehicle to the AAA in Charlotte, NC. for a routine state inspection, March14, I was told it would not pass for the following reasons.

It needed brakes, 2 tires, a rack & pinion, 2 rear struts, repair of a massive oil leak and a grocery list of "gravy" repairs. Estimate, $ 2200.00.

Here's the real deal! Feb. 2010. Brakes, I replaced 4 rotors, 4 calipers, all pads & master cylinder. All 4 tires are new, the rack I replaced with new power steering hoses when I installed the New GM Crate engine, that now ha less than 100 miles on all new components. These idiots dumped old oil down the back side of the engine to simulate an oil and power steering leak. When I threatened to call the police, AAAs responce was that they " confused" my car with another customer's Car. When I told the Service Manager to show me this other car and the tech who wrote it up, the tech disappeared with the supposed car on a test drive. Neither one ever came back during the hour I wasted there.

DO NOT take your vehicle to any AAA repair facility. I have met and found many people who have had alot of the same experiences with them. AAA employs sub-standard part replacing jockey's. No one there has any idea how to diagnose even minor problems, much less any major repairs or computerized diags or electrical repairs.

I would recommend taking your car to Burger King over any AAA repair facility. You'd be better off !!!
secpachottie September 14, 2009
Unaothorized charges
I recently was made aware that AAA had charged my credit card for services I nolonger wanted or renewed. Unfortunately, we had a death in the family, so i let me mail pile up. When I finally got around to reviewing my statements I noticed a charge from AAA. I called to get a refund for a service I did not renew or use and they would not do it because it was 45 days past their credit card posting. I never used their service and one would think with a company that big they would have more customer care. It really ticks me off when companies charge our credit cards without our knowledge. I will write to their complaint department in hopes of getting this refunded, as I purchased a new ACURA which comes with it's own roadside service grrrrrrr! Do not pay with credit cards
michael l. August 7, 2009
Aydin Aliyev June 14, 2009
To whom it may concern. Recently I have paid out on 10th of june '09 £29.95 and £4.95 on 8th of june '09 to your company, I consider this a fraud as I have never had dealings with your company before. I have been to my bank and explained that the transaction was not authorised by me therefore it should be considered unlawful, I am very disapointed with the way in this day and age people can just take what is not their. my email adress is [email protected], I would be expectin an explonation as to why this happened and what will you do in the future to protect internet users from their money being stolen. Thank YOU and I will look forward from hearing from you. Aydin Aliyev
Ann Garchkov January 27, 2009
Billing Services
Missed my payment deadline in December of 2008, received a notice that my coverage was cancelled as of 12/24/08. Reinstated my Insurance coverage on 12/26/08 and received another cancellation notice on 1/26/09 stating that my premium was not received.

When I reinstated my insurance with Sales & Marketing Associate (Ray G. Sabino) did not request nor mention any additional dues, other than what was required in the system to bring my policy up to date.
November 28, 2008
New policy leaves cutomers stranded
Our car would not start and according to AAA and their "new policy on towing" we were stranded for 3 hours!!!
This new and STUPID policy requires verification that cars are really broken down before sending a tow truck so, essetially we had one car come to where we were to check the car and then finally the tow truck. To make matters worse, it was during the holiday so my family that was visiting had the joy of sitting there for hours.
Thanks AAA for screwing up our holiday!!

We will be purchasing another towing plan and will drop you morons...soon
October 13, 2008
Bad customer service
About 3 yrs ago, when I held AAA membership, one of my car battery went dead, so I asked AAA to replace it (with 3 yrs free replacement, and 5 yrs gurantee).

Now, just about 2 months after the replacement, the battery went dead again, and I don't have the membership. I called AAA's number for battery service, below is the process:

1. First, a lady picked my phone, and asked my questions. After learning that I was not a member, she let me hold on to wair for her checking my information. I waited, waited, waited. Ok, another woman came in, and asked my questions AGAIN, but it seemed that she had problem to follow what I said, so, she spoke loudly and loudly (with a little bit of joy), to let me repeat what I said again and again, "Sorry, I cann't hear you, are you speaking English?", "Sorry, what do you mean?", "Sorry, I really cann't understand you, I have to hang up", ...

So, before she HANG UP, I HANG UP.

2. Then after a while, I called again. This time, another young lady talked with me and she really UNDERSTOOD me and quickly agreed to give me a free battery with a service charge of $65(about). But I didn't want to give AAA the money without comaprison now, so I thanked her, hang up, and do the online shopping.

3. After searching, I found that a battery alone costed >$70, so I called AAA again. This time, the lady cann't find any information about me now, NOTHING left.

OK, that's fine, I am not in a hurry to use my car. So, I did a local search shopping and find a good deal in COSTCO and buy a battery(<$70), and replaced the dead AAA one. My car can be started and run now.

When I talked with my colleague about the battery, his first response was I was given a rebuilt or used one.

Whatever, with GPS, google map, other similar membership for travel service, lots of competitors appearing, one thing to my relieve is that I don't need to buy AAA forever.

About 2 yrs ago, I got a very bad service in CompUSA (one item missed from my box), now where is the company?
August 26, 2008
Insurance claims
I am formally requesting a review of my accident that occurred on August 15, 2008. For the sake of balance, I am also submitting this review as part of discovery for the court date that is pending.

On August 15th, 2008 in the morning, I drove down a small alleyway that led to Shoreline drive in Long Beach. Having driven this route hundreds (and that is not hyperbole) of times. On this occasion there was an illegally parked vending truck completely obstructing the view of oncoming traffic. Now, on every street in every county, illegally parked vehicles and legally parked vehicles can obstruct your view. My question I pose to you the reviewer is this, “If this car was legally parked, would the outcome (by that, I mean your ‘conclusion’) have been the same?” Does the FACT that there was an illegally parked car, mean anything? It was the catalyst to the entire incident. If the vending truck (license plate number 9D85564 CA) was not there, there never would have been an accident.

Where is the fact checking on your side of the department? I pay you good money to make sure: I’m insured and my car is taken care of. I do not believe a 1 hour deliberation over the telephone, without visiting the location, without the actual accident report reaching the reviewer is, even in the most casual of situations, no basis to make such a decision. I sure hope your company doesn’t try to handle health insurance claims:

“Hello, this is AAA health insurance. Can I have your policy number?”
“Its G165xx.”
“Well, how can we help you?”
“I lost a lot of blood, and I need a transfusion.”
“How much did you lose?”
“I dunno. I’m pretty lightheaded.”
“I realize that sir, but if you don’t tell me on the phone, I may have to get up from my desk and go out to the field. My coffee’s here, and…Sir…are you there? Hello….Sir?”

1) I saw an old grey Ford F-250 fill my entire driver side window. I had a ventriloquist dummy in the driver’s side of my car. “I thought it was a kid, ” that is what the driver said. That is how close that truck got to me. Somehow he only got the tail-end of my car. If someone were to actually go to the site, you would
see that my car was more than 19 feet in the street.

The man was elderly, and probably didn’t have the reflexes to stop in time; I had my [wits] though and avoided a driver side collision. I was halfway in the street, unobstructed by the large vending truck. The driver in question, driving down the same street hits me as I idle the street…is that really 100% at fault?

2) How much fault lies in an illegally parked vending truck? The curb was painted red, with a “NO STOPPING AT ANY TIME” sign. That person began the chain of events by breaking the law. The curb was red for a reason; it blocked the view of oncoming traffic. How much [percentage wise] do you give the truck? What exactly do you use to establish “fault” without checking of fact?

I passed the truck, and was far into the street when I was hit. If I was in plain sight, clear of the vending truck, about to turn, how fast do you think I was going? How fast do you think he was going? Keep in mind, the driver of the truck thought that I had a kid in the car. This means he saw me BEFORE even deciding to brake. I accelerated. He got the bumper, instead of me. Or maybe it was my fault because my car was too long? How much of a percentage are you going to subscribe to the “short car theory in your actuarial tables?” If that’s the case maybe I have the wrong policy. Perhaps I need a “shorter faster car add-on” to my already bloated bill?

It has to be said, that I am going to court because of this. In the word of the officer, it’s not a matter of who was at fault, it’s a formality. Which I can understand, I’m going to stand in front of the judge, with my diagram of the street, and my arguments will be bolstered by the testimony of the only TWO people that were party to the accident. There were no cops, no AAA, just the two of us.

I may have to reconsider my insurance carrier, because I feel that if this is how you treat your clients (the other driver was not insured by AAA, but he was treated much more favorably than your own client) then I and everyone that I know, will be made aware that our money is not being paid to AAA is not for their security-or even competent coverage, but for your bottom line. These points will also be brought up in court, so if you would like to attend a true venue where compensation, evidence and testimony gathering is practiced, I am more than happy to tell your “adjuster” when and where the date is. Otherwise, I strongly recommend that AAA invest in their policyholders, and not their shareholders. As small as my policy is, I have a big mouth, and an even bigger brain. Both of these will be used to my full ability until this matter reaches a carefully thought out and fully fleshed conclusion. By this I don’t mean the letter that I received saying:

“For the accident of August 15, 2008, we have assessed your percentage of fault at 100% and the percentage of fault of any other drive or cause at 0%

This was based on:

Your vehicle made an unsafe left turn.”

The court will find me NOT at fault. So my final question to you is this: What do you do then? Are you going to retroactively change the decision? What about others that didn’t go through the lengths I’m about to force your company to do its job? Is this case going to establish a precedent, where it’s finally realized that insurance companies are not part of the judicial system and should not make this kind of judgment without at least adhering to the basics of fact checking? If there is one human left in your corporation, that beyond those textured cubicle walls, that sees the insanity of this decision, then please contact me. Because if this is a world of big business where actuarial tables replace common sense and the bottom line drives its employees, I may have been better off not accelerating.

January 31, 2008
Bad experience!
I was told many times by AAA that I have to have both the comprehensive and collison coverages on my car. I just want collision and NOT comprehensive. There is even an separate entry on the policy to enter the different premium. Comprehensive is when the car is NOT moving. Collision is for car is moving. I removed both comprehensive and collision (savings of $500); then the Underwritering Manager called me the next day to ask whether I had any misunderstanding. I said: NO. (Unless AAA is honest, I will not give AAA the business).

There should be some consumer protection / regulation to guard against a ripoff.

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