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Category: Automotive
Contact Information 720 east saint george ave , Linden, New Jersey, United States
Phone number: 9085871004
AAMCO Reviews
July 26, 2010
I was assaulted
I took my car to aamco in bothell and asked this guy bill wright if he could get the codes and reset my computer. he told me to bring it back at 3pm and he'll charge me $40. when i get there he tells me he only takes cash, to i walked over to the 7 eleven atm and withdrew $40(with a $2.50 atm charge). when i walked back he told me that my water pump was bad and my transmission was bad, he told me that he would be happy to do it cheap if i could get someone to get the tranny out and he would only charge me $300 to $2200. i told him that was a pretty big difference in #'s. he said that everyone does it like that and that would be $40. i asked him if he reset the computer codes like i asked and he told me he was telling me what the codes were. then he took me to where he had the code readers and told me how much all the tools cost, so again i just asked him for the codes. he told me he doesn't print them out, so i asked him if there was any way he could write them down for me, he said sure. we started to walk to the office and he started to tell me something else and i asked him if he canceled the codes on the computer. he started yelling at me and telling me he didn't appreciate what i was trying to do and that was why he always wants his money up front because of people like me. i told him that i didn't understand what he was talking about and that all i wanted to know was if he reset the computer, i told him i could not beleive he was talking to me the way he was. he told me he didn't want my money and to leave. i was confused on why he was acting like that yelling and screaming. i was getting into the driver's seat and trying to call my step father and he started putting things under my car, i didn't know what he was doing. he got frusted at something so he started comeing towards me, i told him to stay away from me, he opened my back driver side door and got in i kept asking him what are you doing i seen him trying to reach for the ignition and figured my keys were in it. so i reached in and got them before he could, all of a sudden i felt him punch me in the side of my head. i called the police and while i was waiting he decided to grab a rolling jack put it under my car, pushed it out of the bay and before the car rolled down the hill he dropped the jack slamming my car down. then closed the bay door. cops came and sayed it was his word against mine. i am a single mother that just can't beleive that employees in this company are allowed to act like this. i left a message on the company web page to see if i could talk to the owner. we will see. i just wanted everyone to know how i was treated and to be aware.
J Harris
July 7, 2010
I had a brand New Tranmission put in my car on 1.5.08 by AAMCO. By April of 2009 the Transmission had failed and I was told by the AAMCO that another Transmission was needed because I was slightly out of the warranty they provide.
So, another Brand New Transmission was done on my car. In October of 2009 I took the vehicle back to AAMCO stating that the vehicle seemed like the transmission was having problems. AAMCO checked the vehicle and assured me that there were not Transmission problems and that the vehicle was fine.
On June 19, 2010 I had to have my vehicle towed to the AAMCO dealership. They inspected the vehicle on June 21, 2010 and told me the 2nd Brand New Transmission had failed or slipped and that another Transmission would be needed. They said I would have to pay for another new Transmission because the warranty they provided had expired just over a month.
This is unheard of not normal for two Transmissions to go out in two years. There is obviously a problem with the workmanship of this company. I am requesting that an inquiry be made and done for me.
Thank You
May 26, 2010
Rip off
I took My 2003 Tahoe to Aamco after getting estimates from several companies. They were the only company willing to finance the job. The Original quote with converter and transmission was around 3, 400 plus the financing brought the total to almost $4, 000. $1, 000 down and 250 a month for 15 mths. Now I didn't do the math at the store office when i signed, but that's more like $4, 700. Ok I say, as long as it works I NEED my vehicle.
After 10 days the call finally came..ready to go. I picked it up and it ran great for 1 1/2 days. On the way home from work it made a horrible sound in the front, then started making a very low chirping sound all the time. I took it back, they told me the converted had engaged the 4 wheel drive inadvertantly. It was broke, they replaced it again and again called me to pick it up. As I pulled out of the Aamco parking lot My truck made another horrible noise and the chirping was still going on. They took it back again to check it out. New diagnoses...the Rear end was busted. Another $1, 500 and they would have me good to go. Well, now it's been almost a month and I still don't have it back yet.. I keep getting the runaround on the phone. We are still working on it. They guy who was working on it got sick went to the hospital had metal in his eye. Still waiting to hear from customer service.
I can see but the research online that this problem is not over even when I do get my truck back..Is there any help out there??? What can I do... I know they BROKE my rear end with their faulty converter...HELP... over $6, 000 for REPAIRS??? And I get the Run around??
May 17, 2010
Caused my car to catch fire
I recently had my car reapired by Aamco and a few days later it catches on fire.
My car was overheating and Aamco said they could check it for free. I brought the car into them, the week before repairs were made, and they told me it was one of two things, my PCM Computer or a faulty wire to my relay. They then said to dtermine the issue it would cost me around $100 and then $80 and hour to fix.
I brought my car to them on a Wensday the prior week. They fixed the car and told me it was a wire and the relay. I also asked them to fix my cigarette lighter adapter so that I could use it (I do not smoke). After the repairs before I left the lot, my car was making an extremly loud buzzing noise as soon as I turned it on. They told me it was a problem with my automatic seatbelts and said they would disconnect the module and fuse that goes to them. The buzzing noise stopped and so I left the lot.
I drove my car less than five miles the next two days and did not drive durring the weekend or that monday. On tuesday after dropping my daugther off at school I decided to head to my sisters and my car began overheating. I called the shop they told me to bring it in. I told them I could not drive it because it need to cool down and I let it cool off at home.
Hours later, I headed to the shop on the way, it began smoking and caught fire. I pulled over and took my 9 month old son out of the carand put him and his car seat on the side of the road away from the car and my sister and her husband got out to examine the fire. I opened the middle console where it was burning and put water on the fire to put it out. It kept smoking. An Orange city officer stopped to help and said it was an electrical fire and to have it towed.
I called the shop and they told me they have nothing to do with it but I could bring it in for them to look at. I brought the car into them and they told me it was the "body control module" which caught fire and that the car was not worth fixing because it was $400 for the part and about $2500 + to rewire.He told me not to drive the car and also said they were not at fault because they did not touch that area of my car.
There is no BCM for my car - they lied to me.
I had the car towed and it turned out to be the PCM which caught fire and the relay, the two things they did in fact mess with.
I now have no car and no transportation. They are not accepting the mistake they made and will not give me my money even though my car was still overheating after their repairs and then caught fire.
I have a nine month old son who has a heart condition and needs to go to the cardilolgist in orlando in a week. I am at a loss for what to do.
May 13, 2010
car repair fraud
This aamco took my transmission apart without authorization, then tried to charge me $750 for itthen wanted another $750 to put i back together. When they were supposed to just computer check it and road test it.
May 6, 2010
This is a very long story. It starts in St. Marys, GA where a very nice and competent man named Jack Allen at the AAMCO shop replaced our transmission. The total bill was 4, 661.20. I live on disability and was only able to pay for this through the one credit card I had with that much money available on it. This was on 5/7/09. On 10/6/09, while traveling through Texas, the transmission lost 6th gear. I had it towed 112 miles to the closest AAMCO which is in Odessa, Tx. That is where the real problems began. I was told by the owner there after diagnosing the transmission that a new one would have to be shipped to him. I was also told that my clutch, throw out bearing would need to be replaced or he would have my warranty voided. He also insisted on not giving me a receipt for this work as he would then have to charge me more money even though he stated the problems with those parts were directly related to the transmission.
I was told I had to get the parts to him and pay for them myself. Mind you he had my truck; I was in a place where I knew no one; I had no means to rent a car. A very nice employee at Advance Auto Parts was able to have the parts delivered directly to Ben's shop since I had no way of picking them up. I have the receipt with HIS address on it. On 10/9/09 he contacted me and told me to come pick up the truck. I did. I then hooked my 5th wheel trailer (that is what I live in) and proceeded to leave Odessa. 28 miles into my trip the same gear blew. I promptly turned around, called Ben and brought the truck back to him. This was a Friday and he wouldn't be able to do anything until Monday. Finally, the following Wednesday (at 4pm mind you) I was on my way with yet another transmission (or so he said). It turns out (I was just informed by the transmission manufacturer) that Ben put the wrong fluid in not just the first transmission, but the second one as well. Now, 2 days before my warranty runs out I have it looked over by AAMCO in Cathedral City, Ca. (I have to be where it's warm year round due to my disabilities) and sure enough there are more problems. I knew there was something not right with 2nd gear when at a stop and 6th gear when at highway speed. This AAMCO in southern California confirmed there is a problem. Regardless of when my warranty runs out or what the problem is I DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER $5000.00 to replace the transmission again. I feel AAMCO needs to not only honor this warranty but extend it in case, on my way to my next destination, I have another issue I will be able to count on not having to be stuck in the middle of nowhere because I have no money to fix what was broken by AAMCO to begin with. They are now saying that they may possibly drain the fluid out of this transmission and hopefully that will fix it; but if the fluid is wrong and has damaged some of the transmission, what good will putting the right fluid in now do? I just want to drive down the road confident in the workmanship AAMCO professes to be so concerned about. I AM NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT the AAMCO in Ga. or in southern Ca. Both shops have/are doing their best to help me. Of course, they need to make sure they are reimbursed for their time as well.
April 29, 2010
Ripped me off then lost my documents
Don't go to Aamco at all. I went and they had me put 1, 000.00 down just to start repairs and ended up paying 2449.00 with tax total and had to wait over 13 days before I could pick up the car. By then the State inspection had run out. After signing all their Liability disclaiming paper work; I went out to the car and found that my Insurance card-Which I needed for State re-inspection was not on the front seat with the registration!!! Of course I went back inside and asked????!!! Now I was pissed! All this I tried not to show visibly. The manager's response was one of Oh well call your insurance company and have them mail you another one. Now I was angry. The result was that I made it to State inspection only to be told that the repair had wiped my computer otc codes clean and I now failed inspection for this and for documents!!! Don't ever go toAamco. Let a vocational High School Student fix your problem 1st. Oh and by the way- My Transmission which never leaked left a spot in my Driveway. I wonder if it was it or KY jelly????- Laugh till it hurts if you Go their!!!- Water washing the bridge away!!!- L.B. hosed in Delran New Jersey.
April 21, 2010
Lame excuses for the poor service
Rubens AAMCO, Moca, Puerto Rico has had my car 41 days as of Oct 11, 2009. The manager keeps coming up with lame excuses for the poor service, that is, when he bothers to return my calls, which is not often.
April 19, 2010
Dishonesty and horrible service
They had terrible service. I was dealing with a rep name dan. He told me several lies.
1. That my I needed to pay $20 for gas. When I picked up my car is was still empty.
2. I needed a battery. I had the same battery in my car when I picked it up. Paid $99 for and additional $100 for labor.
3. I was told since I was getting a batter I would get additional cost off the price of the repairs. When I was paying I mentioned the discount and he said he gave me a web discount but we never talked about it.
4. I was told if anything goes wrong bring the car back.
5. After I picked up my car it failed emission twice. They said it had nothing to do with them.
6. My check engine light came on and he Dan asked me what code and told me to take it some where else to get checked and if its transmission codes bring it back. I reminded him that he told me to bring the car back if it had problems and he said not to bring it that day they were to busy bring it in the morning.
7. I mentioned to him some red fluid was dripping and Dan got smart and said he told me if it starts dripping it was my responsibility to bring the car back. I told him that’s why I was calling and he said then bring it right now.
The server before I dropped my car off was alright. After they had my car at the location they treated me horrible and super rude. I am out of 2500 and now my car is still broken and they are saying it might be something else. I asked them to do a thorough inspection prior to fixing it to make sure what was wrong. They indicated it was the transmission. Now the car is having problem with the check engine light and the oil light are coming on. I am totally dissatisfied with the service. I could have had the transmission done for $1000 less from a foreign shop that was two doors down but I decided to go American thinking I would get better service. But this American company treated me like garbage. I’m out of money and out of a car.
April 15, 2010
Broke our vehicle
Mark DeLeon from Aamco Transmissions helped us out on 4-14-10, with our car. He did an OBD2 reader which told us that is was a Cylinder 4 misfire. He said to bring it in on 4-15-10 for them to do a diagnosis on the vehicle. This would include just looking under the hood to see all that is wrong with the vehicle. We asked him to give us a call before they did any work. My sister and I did an oil change this morning with an engine flush. I have worked at an oil change shop where I know doing an engine flush is not going to harm the car. The car was perfectly drivable when we took it in. We took it in today, got a call back an hour later saying our car is not drivable. He gave us three different stories as to how the car does not work. First story was that it was the engine flush we did earlier today. Second story was that his mechanic was driving it and that it blew up on him. Third story was that his mechanic started the car in the driveway and it blew up. He told us that it was a Valve Seat that blew up. You cannot determine this unless you take the motor engine head off. He told us we needed to do this. How can he be so sure that it was a Valve Seat unless he looked under the motor engine. He then proceeded to tell us that the car was running horrible when we brought it in. The car has its moments, when we did the oil change the car ran just fine. He asked us how the car was running today and we told him perfectly fine. My sister called him back, he told her that we are not going to get anything free, that we broke the car, not them. This is untrue. We are in such shock because we know that our car was drivable before we brought it in. Just fine to drive. If we did not bring the car into the shop our car would be driving still. This is how sure we are that they broke our car. We also called another mechanic who has in the past worked on this car. This mechanic told us that it sounds shady. That if the car was drivable before we brought it in that we did not break our car.
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