I have been an avid A&W drinker since the early 60s.Driving up with the folks, getting those frosted mugs at the drive-in(before people began stealing them etc.) But now you try to pass off this "Rootbeer Float " on us?!! You take the flattest rootbeer and add coffee mate to it and we are supposed to like that? The after taste is like the cheapest non-dairy creamer! $5.99 a 4 pack... whooptee-do! I have never complained about a beverage in my 55 years,but that had to be addressed! Not the same as when I was a kid walking the mile to the stand on Lambert Ave. and Santa Fe Springs Rd. in Whittier, Cal. and paying 45 cents for a quart of delicious root beer served in a megaphone shaped container.
Sorry but this new stuff is not good.
P.O. Box 5188
Crestline, Ca, 92325.