My complaint is with the manager at the 34th street store in Saint Petersburg, FL.
I pay my bill on time, have paid some off. I wanted to buy some more goods from Aaron’s again. I was denied by the store manager. His instructions are no further purchases on my account. An account that has never been late. They make a lot of money off of me. It has taught me a lot about their value of customer service.
I found a lawyer who will file on my behalf a class action suite. He will do it on a percentage of what we get for the damages mentally caused to me in front of my children.
I made them a promise to buy a laptop and could not keep my word.
Never the less I still owe Aaron’s money and will pay my account on time.
My attorney says I have every right to express myself when I’m in the store paying on my account. It’s my right to free speech to express myself in front of others. The manager has slandered my name. It’s my turn to tell him what I think.
The manager works for a company that deals with people that have less than perfect credit. Aaron’s is willing to take that risk. That’s the business they are in. I hope they hire managers and staff that must understand that. If store management feels they are above Aaron's customers maybe they should find themselves another job. Nobody wants to feel second class. Even Aaron’s customer that pays on time.
I will let the store manager know that every time I pay on my account.
I wonder how he is going to feel when I express myself in front of other Arron's customer about how he has handled my account.