I'm writing to you regarding the above store location because of the constant harassment i've been receiving from the staff there. I travel out of the country alot for work, since i've been waiting for reimbursement from my office, i have fallen behind in my payments. I owe part of november, all december and jan payment is due today.
The staff at this store location have been going to my place of business, calling and leaving nasty messages on our office message system and sharing my personal information with my staff. When teir employees show up at my office, they refuse to leave the property when asked by the Supervisor on duty at the time thinking i may come in the door.
I've been making payments for the merchandise for over a year now and have no intentions what so ever on backing out of paying. i have informed the staff at the above location, once one of my reimbursement checks clear i will post a payment. I have also explained to them my old phone is no longer working and gave them my new number. i don't appreciate being talked to or treated like a common criminal as this staff has been doing.
I think someone needs to explain to the staff at the above location that it is illegal for them to constantly show up at someone place of business and share that person personal information with the staff of that business. it is also illegal for them to stay parked outside of that place of business as well. They also need to be informed if they continue to call and show up at my place of business, after being told not to, i will have no other recourse but to have my lawyer get involved.
I feel the staff at this location needs to be retrained on how they should speak to and treat thier customers as they way it is now looks bad for your company.