March 3, 2008
Bad experience!
I am sick and tired and don’t want to take it anymore!! I submitted a prescription for 90 ZYRTEC 10mg and received the drug with a bill for $195. That same day I noticed that the medication was selling at WalMart for $75 for the same dosage and quantity without the need for a prescription. I called Prescription Solutions, the mail order company preferred by AARP and was informed I could not return the unopened bottle nor would they rebate the price.
In essence, I paid almost three times the retail price for this medication and I feel that this is unfair since under Medicare D I am supposed to save on medications and not be ripped off by my provider.
Today I finally heard from AARP and they told me they would do nothing and suggested that I file a Medicare D grievance...
November 6, 2007
Completely stunned
AARP - www.aarp.org
I am 72 years old and have had my auto insurance and homeowners insurance through aarp. My insurance is being handled for aarp through the hartford. I have probably had this insurance for approximately the past twenty years. The policy no. Is 55 phe293950, andrew j. Kline sr., 200 federal st ne. Warren, oh, 44483. My phone no. Is 330 394 3143.
About two or three weeks ago i called their customer service department because i wanted a quite on how much it would cost me to put my 16 year old grandson who just got his license. To drive one of my cars, i have a 1995 buick roadmaster and a 1987 cadillac which i alone drive. If i was to put my grandson on my insurance it would be to drive my buick. When they gave me the quote of how much it would cost me, which is over $1200. A year, i told them their was no way i could afford this, i am on a fixed income and to just forget it. Besides the transmission has gone bad on my buick, and my grandson is buying his own car sometime this week or the first of next week. The cost of fixing the buick is way too much, so i am just going to sell it as is. Too make a long story short, the first of this week i get a statement from the hartford stating my premium due is $1,255.28, they put my grandson on my policy without any consent from me. I call there and talk to a cust. Rep and she proceeds to tell me that i have no choice in the matter i have to put him on my policy, that she is in control of my policy and she will say what is to be done with my policy, this is no bs, this is exactly what she told me. I was stunned, i told her i am the one who pays for this policy and you tell me i have no control of it, that you do, and she says "yes". I had asked to speak to one of her supervisors about this and she told me they were all busy and would not let me speak to one of them. They do not even know who my grandson is, what is name is nor to they have any info about his drivers license yet they proceed to put him on my policy.
I want to know if they are within their power doing this to me, she told me if i didn't like it i could take my insurance elsewhere, i don't want to have to do this, it is so much of a hassle, especially with my homeowners ins. Because i pay my insurance with my house payment each month.
I am just completely stunned about this whole thing, what kind of a democracy are we living in when an insurance company tells you what they are going to do with your policy whether you like it or not.
If someone can not help me in this matter could you please direct me to someone that can. This whole situation just does not sound right to me.
Thank you very much, and i will be more than willing to supply you with any further information you might need.
Andrew j. Kline Sr