ABC Financial
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Category: Lifestyle
Contact Information NC, Cary, United States
ABC Financial Reviews
October 26, 2010
I joined Sports and Fitness gym in March 2010 in Charlotte, NC and I had to sign a contract with ABC Financial. Later on in June 2010 I had some personal issues and I was forced to move to Florida. I advised the company of my move and they advised me I would need to send some documentation in and a 30- day cancellation letter. I sent in my new Florida drivers license along with the cancellation letter on June 17th 2010. About three months later I got a call from ABC Financial stating that I owe them money for 3 months of nonpayment. I advised them that I sent in the proper documents to cancel my membership. The customer representative even stated he saw where I called in on June 16th 2010 to get the fax number and to inquire about what documents needed to be sent in, in order for a succesful cancellation of my membership. The representative then stated they never received any documentation from me and they are unable to cancel my membership. The representative advised me that they could not back track the acct and could only move foward in cancelling my membership. Which means I would have to pay the three months and send in new documentation to cancel my membership. They asked for a drivers license no older than 60-days but what I dont understand is if I present to you a license that is no older than 60- days and it is presently October and I have not payed since June that means I recently moved and did not actually move in June. HELLOOO!!! ??? doesnt make since to do that because then I have no proof of where i was at before those 60 days and why I didnt pay the company. And I refuse to go to the DMV and get another license issued because of an inside job mistake. The representative then asked me to find my fax confirmation from back in June and send it to him. I finally found it today after 2 weeks of looking I honestly did not even think I had it. Now its time to call them up fax it to them and see what excuse they have next to not cancel my membership. This company needs to get it together ASAP.!
October 22, 2010
Terminating a contract
I signed up with Anytime Fitness for a 2 year contract for their gym because at the time I was working graveyard shift. Well I no longer work graveyard and have been dealing with some hip problems and have not been able to exercise. I called to inquire about canceling, and they said it would be about $300 to terminate, unless I had a doctors note. So I went to the doctor on 9/22/10 and got a note and word for word it says: "patient has hip problems and can not exercise". I called ABC and told them I had a doctors note, and the guy on the phone asked me what the note said, I told him, and he said I could then do a medical buyout option of a $50 fee, and one months charge ($29.00), and told me to tax it in with attention to member services. I had to wait to 10/15/10 to fax it to make sure I had sufficient funds to cover the fees incase they would draft it soon. Several days later I called on 10/15 and they said they had not processed it yet, and to call back at the end of the week. I called today (10/21/10 @9am) and the guy said he was not sure what the $50 and $29 fee was, but because my doctors note does not say "disabled" I cannot terminate my contract or do the buyout for the $79. But he would go through the recorded phone calls on the dates I provided to listen to what this other guy had said about me being able to do this $79 and said he would call me back at the end of the day. I called back around 4:30 to find out if they had figured out anything and listened to my phone calls and what this other guy said, and now are standing firm to not letting me do this option of the medical buyout of $79, and want me to pay 50% of the remaining of my membership time. I will be calling again at some point to attempt to talk to a manager, but DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS COMPANY!
M and R
October 19, 2010
Unable to cancel membership
I can't believe all the complaints about ABC Financial. I thought it was just me. We should all do something about this...not only are they scam artists, but are FRAUDS!!
I had a gym membership cancellation request revoked several times because they claimed to never receive my faxes or mailings. I can't tell you how many phone calls and faxes I've sent over the past couple months. Each time, they claim to never receive anything. See, I moved out of state and per the memebrship clause, I was able to cancel due to relocation. Not a chance!!! They even stopped charging my credit card for one month to make it appear that I successfully cancelled, only to start charging my card again 2 months later. On top of everything else, they sent it to a collection agency.
It's surprising to me that this company is still allowed to do business and that there is no one out there to help the consumer.
Wish me luck everyone. I will continue to attempt to legitimately cancel my membership. Anyone been successful out there??????
Still a CT gym member with a 1, 200 mile commute from TN
August 16, 2010
unfair billing practices
ABC Financial has been auto deducting $58 from my checking account for the past 18 months for Anytime Fitness Center membership that I canceled at the end of my first year. Every time I attempt to have have it stopped I receive the run around. I am reporting ABC and Anytime Fitness for fraudulent billing to my State Attorney General. How many more are out there that we could possibly get a class action lawsuit to get them stopped.
July 22, 2010
lying and stealing money!
Sue, the manager told me I was to only pay when I first signed up for the membership and for security card, then I get a call from Abc financial stating I owe money for my membership! i was told only to pay when I went, the employees are aholes and do nothing to help you, take it from me, never, ever, ever join a gym backed by abc financial services, always double check how they can screw you no matter how honest they seem when they lie!
July 12, 2010
I joined GOLD'S GYM Buford, Georgia. Gold's management had me sign a contract that designated ABC Financial to debit the monthly fee from my account. The fee was reasonable so I agreed. Then, during my time at the gym, I would hear other members complaining about ABC Financial doing "double debits" and continuing to debit accounts after they were expired. ABC pulled the double debit on me while I was a member at Gold's. They hit my account twice in one month, hoping I wouldn't notice it. Not an unusual occurrence for them. Management was eventually able to credit my account back, but it took a while. My contract was coming up for expiration in April 2010. The fine print stated that I needed to notify Gym management in writing that I wanted my contract to "really" expire??? That meant, if I didn't give them a 30 day written notice that I really wanted my contract to expire, then ABC would continue to debit my account, even after my contract dates have expired. So, I did what the contract wanted. In fact, I went above and beyond because I knew from the other members complaints, I was going to have trouble.
Two months after my contract expired, I received a phone call from Mr. Tater, bill collector for ABC Financal. What Mr. Tater told me was that he was hired by ABC to be the debt enforcer and collect from me. Tater stated that the balance was $180 but he would be so kind as to offer me 10 percent discount if I paid for it right now. I explained to him that the contract was up in April of 2010 and that I followed contractual procedures to end the contract as it expired. Mr. Tater said, "Well, Since you didn't send in writing that you wanted to cancel (even though the contract expired) we've been charging your account for service, late fees, admin fees, month to month fees". Ok, even if my contract went month to month after that, then my balance should be $37.50 a month, times two months (expired contract time) for a total of $75. Not even close to the $180 Tater was trying to get me for. Mr. Tater said to me, "You didn't send in the correct documents and follow the proper procedure for cancelling you contract, so you owe us membership fees, admin fees, tater fees etc and that is $180". I explained to Tater that according to my contract I was only required to notify the Gym in writing that I did not wish to renew my contract and I did that plus sent in the certified letter and fax to ABC Financial. Tater said he has no record of it, (of course not!) He continued to insist that I pay the $180 they were trying to scam me out of. Mr. Tater would not even try and listen to the fact that I had already sent the required paperwork into ABC. Tater stated that he would place a negative mark on my credit since I was not willing to pay the balance.
This is deceptive, intimidating business practice and is indicative of extortion by demanding money that is not due and if it's not paid, giving a threat to scar a credit rating.
Angus 04
July 2, 2010
unable to cancel membership
My son joined Gold's Gym here in town. He told them he would be moving to another state to attend college and they assured us the membership was transferable. When he moved to SC he found that it was NOT transferable and he had to join the Gold's there. His contract stated that he could cancel if he moved more than 50 miles away. We submitted the required documentation several times to ABC Financial and each time they tell us there is something wrong with the documentation. I have been paying on a gym membership that nobody is using, they have refused to honor the out-clause in the contract, and they keep telling me that I have to send new documentation. Unbelievable.
Once again we sent verification showing his name on a lease in SC. They told us it was a bank document and not the lease and they wouldn't accept it and are now sending - again - a list of acceptable documentation for use in cancelling membership. I personally belong to another gym in town and have never, never had anything but above-board, honest dealings with them. I've been with them for years. Gold's Gym and their financial company ABC Financial, on the other hand, are non-responsive and continue to give us the run-around.
March 14, 2010
ABC financial is HORRIBLE, DO NOT go through them FOR ANYTHING!! Including gym memberships! I signed up for a no commitment membershp at Work Out World. I paid in cash every month 7 days before my payment was due. ABC FINANCIAL took money out of my account AFTER i had already paid in cash. I called them the day it happened, and they said they were rebating me right then and there. A WEEK later I called back because I had not gotten rebated and the representative said they had 'forgot'. Since they were taking money out my account it caused me to go negative, which then ontop of the money they took I was getting charged 35.00 over draft fees. I am now 258.00 negative, and ABC fiancial REFUSES to pay it, when it was thier fault. I even had the HEAD OF CITIZENS write them a certified letter stating it was thier fault, with my bank statments, and they STILL told me they were not paying for it! THEY ARE JUNK!! DO NOT EVER EVER GO THROUGH THEM. I KNOW MANY MANY PEOPLE who are having the same problem with them. they SUCK and I WILL be taking them to CIVIL court for this!
March 11, 2010
This company has been an arm wrestler when it comes to resolving billing issues. This company auto debits my monthly gym membership fee. Early this month my debit card was compromised, the bank cancelled it and replaced it. There is no easy way to approach, fix and resolve this issue with this company.<br />
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The auto debit attempt occurred before I had a new debit card. The company also waited 9 days to tell me that their debit was unsuccessful. Upon receiving an automated call from "ABC Financial", I contacted my local gym to ensure this was a legitimate call, being that ABC, Inc sounded like the most generic name and would be perfect for a scam. <br />
<br />
The same day I called ABC to give them the new debit card number. I entered it in the automated billing system, and checked my balance and billing history.<br />
<br />
1. The automated computer system told me I had no billing history<br />
2. The balance due was $20 more than I suspected it should be.<br />
<br />
Having a perfect credit history and with them, I contacted a person who waived the $20 fee (supposedly), confirmed that my billing information was updated, and said the next bill would auto draft the next day.<br />
<br />
The next day I got another day from the automated computers system. It seems that my auto debit didn't happen properly.<br />
<br />
I called the company again, spoke with a person, and was told that I would have to pay a $5 fee to make a payment over the phone. Given that I'd had the fee waived and updated the information, this seemed ridiculous. They told me I could pay the balance online at with no fees, so I hung up and proceeded to register at the website.<br />
<br />
The website would not accept the account number that ABC had given me over the phone just moments earlier. So I called back in.<br />
<br />
Upon calling in, I was told that the auto debit was set & ready to go the next day. I still haven't seen an attempt on my card. <br />
<br />
The same day, I received a letter from ABC. essentially reiterating the problem they took 9 days to report to me, and as well, adding some very nasty verbiage at the end referring to the "unpaid debt". Certainly not a customer service friendly company who is appreciative and respectful of customers, by any means. <br />
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Upon calling in again, the amount I owed went from $34.xx to $74.xx. I was told that they were now billing me for two months, though next month's payment isn't due until April 1st. This makes no sense whatsoever.<br />
<br />
I can't believe that debit cards never expire or get compromised and replaced. I can't believe that this is an abnormal occurrence for this company. I can't believe how incompetently their systems have handled trying to update my billing information, have an accurate amount listed as what I owe, and the ability to draft it and correct the issue.<br />
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If they'd stop making phone calls and sending letters for a moment and focus on making their systems work better, they could save a lot of money on the phone calls & letters. The people who answer the phone were ok, but the system is incompetent.
February 17, 2010
Unable to cancel membership at Work out World gym
My gripe is not with Work Out World gym per se but with deceptive advertisement on the ultimate cost of membership, the customer's ability (more accurately "inability") to cancel membership, the lying salespeople who trick you into joining by saying "you can cancel anytime", and the fraudulent billing practices their billing company (ABC Financial) follows. I joined this gym several years ago and quit after a few months because I just didn't like the atmosphere at all. Well, ABC Financial has been taking out payments regardless that the contract has ended. I have written as per the fine line in the contract. I have spoken with people at ABC Financial by phone, I have gone in to the gym personally. It has been a great big circle of playing the blame game. End result is they are still taking money out of my account! I even received a call from a WOW representative who was trying to get me to extend my membership. I laughed in his face and told him no way. The joke was on me. I've been told the only way to prevent ABC Financial from taking money out is to close or change my account. This company and all the gyms that use them and knowingly take part in the circle of deception need to get hit with a class action suit!
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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