I am tired of this fraud. This company is stealing out of bank accounts and credit cards! I talked to a lady from Acaciberryteaplus (866-938-4832) to get a refund for $88.62. They charged my BUSINESS debit account and turned me negative. When I spoke to them, the lady said that the product shipped, than gave me a shipping number for a $5 trial. They do not have a shipping number for the $88 one. Than she contradicts herself by saying the product had a problem shipping. Than all of a sudden she tells me I was never charged. WHAT????? They make no sense. I have proof they charged my account. It is on my statement!!! From my bank!!! I also recorded her saying all this. It's nice, that even if I did purchase the product they had absolutely NO intention on shipping it! So, what do we do now????
I am going to contact the Better Business Bearu and turn them in. I am not going to stand for this. It wasn't just this. My card was shared to other companies. So now I am angry. And, there are a TON of others out there like me. In my position. I am starting a lawsuit against them. If you would like to take part, please contact me. [email protected]. If you are a lawyer who believes you can take this case, please let me know. I look forward to taking them out and getting the fraud, STOPPED!