There's already a lot of complaints about these Acai blue pills and Green Tea Extreme colon cleanser pills that are all rip offs from the internet.
To make this issue more easy to search for i made the title of this complaint more easier for ppl to search by using the keywords (Acai / green tea / weight loss).
I made this Complaint to help inform ppl of the problems that lots of ppl have already failed into their traps and got billed.
i have already posted this before on some other ACAI BLUE and GREEN TEA pill products for the free bottle trials.
There's 2 methods you can do now:
1) ISSUE A NEW CARD FROM YOUR BANK FOR EITHER DEBT OR CREDIT SO THAT YOU CAN GET A NEW NUMBER. this prevents the monthly billing transaction from ur card.
2) CALL YOUR CREDIT CARD COMPANY AND TELL THEM ITS A FRAUD AND TO STOP THE TRANSACTIONS FROM THEM. They should take care of it immediately after knowing its a fraud.
Hope it helps and next time do more research on it before trusting everything you see. Ask some friends or ask related professions about these things.
"""There's no stupid QUESTIONS, only stupid ANSWERS"""" so don't be afraid and go out there and ask.