If you have a complaint against Acai aSlim, Green Power Tea, or any of the other names that they go by, please take the time to submit a report to the Better Business Bureau! Go to www.bbb.org and "search for a company" type in AcaiaSlim and all of the addresses, entities will show up on the screen. Take the time to file a complaint for each address. This may be the only course of action against these unsavory characters.
BEWARE - the 14 day trial begins the moment you place the order. You will not receive the product until after the 14 days - that is when they begin charging you and their customer service will tell you that is what you agreed to in the "terms and conditions". The terms listed at the bottom of the page are not the ones they say you agreed to - the FULL terms are located at another link: www.acainonidiet.com/terms.html
if any of us had seen these to begin with - we wouldn't have ordered and been ripped off!
Cancel your credit card immediately and report the unauthorized charges to your bank!
Call 877-271-4199 and let Acaiaslim know you have reported them to the BBB
email them at [email protected]
It is ashame that with the economy we are in that there are people out there who would steal from you!!! They must be stopped!