I ordered a free trail product Acai Berry of 1 bottle) and only pay for shipping and handling of $9.02 Now I have a debit on my boses credit card stating I owe $178.53. I have not recieved another Acai Bery bottle and yet being charged the amount above. I donot wish to purchase and have not wanted to purchase another subcsription then, now or the near future. The other thing I didnt have an account with you it was only using the free trail as you had steted in your advertiseement on the net. Why the company only have a UK number that I havent been able to reach. And when you advertise your product why do you not put the proper price, and make it known in bigger letters, some of us can not see small fine prints. I wish to have my employers monies returned into his account where you had taken it from, Larry Moses and yes he did know I used his card if that is what you are wandering.