I ordered the "free trial bottle" of Acai Berry Breeze as it was advertised on the web site. I received the product within a few short days with few instructions, but a 1-800# and email address. No information was on the flyer in regard to cancellation. Out of curiosity I went back to the web site from where I ordered from and at the very end of the screen was "Terms and Policy" that I clicked on. There it detailed that after "Ordering" the product the consumer has 14 days to cancel the membership or the consumer's credit card would be billed $84.00 and would continue every month. And that after canceling member the consumer has to return the unused product within 30 days.
I contacted the company and was on hold for 10 minutes, but the rep did not give me a hassel in canceling the membership. I did ask him why would I have to return the product when on the web it stated free trial bottle. He stated that the free trial was for 14 days but they send you a month supply and if I wanted to keep the unused product I could pay for that portion which doesn't make sense because in Terms and Policy it stated that the consumer would be charged $84.00.
It's a scam and I don't think the products works. I think that if everyone just drinks a glass of water before every meal you will lose weight . I will be watching my credit card closely. My bank stated that the company tried to run my card 5 times for the trial period shipping and handling. My bank contacted me and put a hold on my account paying further charges. An oversight I am sure.