I seen a free trial offer on AOL for something to help you lose weight and clean your colon which would also help you lose additional pounds. I had heard of this on the Oprah show so thought it would be ok. The ad said it would only cost $1.00 each and no additional charges would be taken out. I read the entire ad, read it to my husband and made sure I understood it all and then ordered it. They took out the $2.00 which was fine, I received the products, which you can not take and they do not tell you on the site that if you take medicine for blood pressure, diabetes, or many other ailments you can not take this formula. So I had products I could not use and now they are charging me $29.95 on my debit card and when I call the customer service number for help
I was informed they could not help me until a later date because their computers were being updated. This kind of ads on the internet should not be allowed. People see things on tv and then see them advertised for a price they can actually afford on internet and get taken. Money is hard enough to come by at this time especially for senior citizens on a fixed income, which we are. And now we have to pay extra for a bank fee because we don't have the $29.95 in our account to pay for this fraudulent charge.