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BBB Reliability Report for
Crush LLC BBB Rating F
Ratings Explanation BBB issues Reliability Reports on all businesses, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If a business is a BBB Accredited Business, it is stated in this report BBB Definition:
report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB Accreditation information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
Find out more about this business:
BBB Accreditation
BBB Rating
Business Contact and Profile
Business Management
Additional Locations and Phone Numbers
Customer Complaint History
Government Actions
Advertising Review
Industry Tips
BBB Copyright and Reporting Policy
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BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.
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BBB Rating
Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F.
Reasons for this rating include:
BBB concerns with the industry in which this business operates.
Length of time business has been operating.
Number of complaints filed against business.
Failure to respond to complaints filed against business.
Number of complaints filed against business that were not resolved.
Click here for an explanation of BBB Ratings
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Business Contact and Profile
Name: Crush LLC
Phone: (801) 208-7485
Fax: (801) 302-5997
Address: 11778 Election Rd Ste 140
Draper, UT 84020-6408
Original Business Start Date: March 2006
Principal: Ms. Michelle Anderson, Customer Service Rep
Customer Contact: Ms. Michelle Anderson, Customer Service Rep - (801) 208-7485 or
[email protected]
Email Address:
[email protected]
Entity: Corporation
Incorporated: March 2006, UT
TOB Classification: Health & Diet Products - Retail, Health & Medical Products - Scientifically Unproven, Health Food / Nutritional Supplement Stores
BBB Accreditation: This company is not a BBB Accredited business.
Additional DBA Names: Extreme ACAI
Fulfillment-Google Offer
Acai Berry
Fast Melt
Acai Berry Power
Acai Berry Power 500
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Business Management
Additional company management personnel include:
TMP Nevada, Inc.
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Additional Locations and Phone Numbers
Additional Addresses
2711 East Craig Road #K
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
4650 SW 51st St Ste 771 (Coloncure)
Davie, FL 33314-5534
PO Box 2061
Sandy, UT 84091
Additional Phone Numbers
Tel: (801) 208-8735
Tel: (877) 350-8480
Tel: (877) 859-1107
Tel: (801) 208-7490
Additional Email Addresses
[email protected]
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Customer Complaint History
When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.
BBB processed a total of 431 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 431 complaints closed in 36 months, 420 were closed in the last year.
These complaints concerned :
1 regarding Issue Not Defined
14 regarding Advertising Issues BBB Definition:
Advertising Issues - Claims alleging print or electronic media advertised claims or practices misrepresent the service or product offer.
1 - Advertised service not available
1 - Advertised terms not honored
4 - Advertisement did not disclose all conditions required to take advantage of an offer
1 - Advertisement misrepresented a service
2 - Bait & switch advertisement
2 - False or unsubstantiated claims in advertisement
3 - None of the Above - Advertising Complaint Issue
186 regarding Billing or Collection Issues BBB Definition:
Billing or Collection Issues - Claim alleging billing errors, unauthorized charges, or questionable collection practices.
7 - Failure to correct billing errors
5 - Improper collection practices
32 - None of the Above - Credit, Billing or Collection Complaint Issue
23 - Unauthorized bank debits
119 - Unauthorized credit card charges
9 regarding Contract Issues BBB Definition:
Contract Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor contract or agreement, work performed without authorization, or invalid contract.
1 - Failure to honor a contract or agreement
1 - Invalid or false contract
6 - None of the Above - Contract Complaint Issue
1 - Unauthorized changes to the contract or agreement
42 regarding Customer Service Issues BBB Definition:
Service Issues - Claims of alleged delay in completing service, failure to provide promised service, inferior quality of provided service, or damaged merchandise as a result of delivery service.
BBB Definition:
Customer Service Issues - Claims alleging unsatisfactory customer service, including personnel's failure to provide assistance in a timely manner, failure to address or respond to customer dissatisfaction, unavailability for customer support, and/or inappropriate behavior or attitude exhibited by company staff.
7 - Failure to provide promised assistance or support for products or services
16 - Failure to respond to phone calls or written requests for assistance or support
1 - Inappropriate behavior by customer service personnel
18 - None of the Above - Customer Service Complaint Issue
10 regarding Delivery Issues BBB Definition:
Delivery Issues - Claims alleging delayed delivery of ordered merchandise.
3 - Delivery of unordered products
2 - Late delivery of products
4 - Non-delivery of products
1 - None of the Above - Delivery Complaint Issue
1 regarding Guarantee or Warranty Issues BBB Definition:
Guarantee or Warranty Issues - Claims alleging failure to honor the terms regarding guarantees or warranties.
1 - None of the Above - Guarantee or Warranty Complaint Issue
5 regarding Product Issues BBB Definition:
Product Issues - Claim alleging a product does not meet the expectations of the complainant, including defective merchandise.
1 - Defective, damaged, or incorrect product received
4 - None of the Above - Product Quality Complaint Issue
117 regarding Refund or Exchange Issues BBB Definition:
Refund or Exchange Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor company policy or verbal commitment to provide refunds, exchanges, or credit for products or services.
40 - Failure to honor promised refunds, exchanges, or credit
17 - Failure to honor refund, exchange or credit policies
60 - None of the Above - Refund or Exchange Complaint Issue
44 regarding Sales Practice Issues BBB Definition:
Sales Practice Issues - Claims of alleged sales presentations made in person or by telephone that contain misrepresentations of the product or service, high pressure sales practices, failure to disclose key conditions of the offer, and verbal representations not consistent with written contractual terms or agreements.
14 - None of the Above - Sales Complaint Issue
2 - Sales presentation did not disclose complete pricing information
10 - Sales presentation did not disclose key conditions of the offer
2 - Sales presentation misrepresented the service
1 - Sales presentation not consistent with advertisement
15 - Sales presentation used dishonest sales practices
2 regarding Service Issues BBB Definition:
Service Issues - Claims of alleged delay in completing service, failure to provide promised service, inferior quality of provided service, or damaged merchandise as a result of delivery service.
1 - Improper or inferior service
1 - None of the Above - Service Complaint Issue
These complaints were closed as:
426 Resolved BBB Definition:
Resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
133 - Company resolved BBB Definition:
resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
the complaint issues. The consumer acknowledged acceptance to BBB.
286 - Company addressed the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to BBB.
2 - Company offered a partial (less than 100%) settlement which the consumer accepted.
5 - Company offered a partial (less than 100%) settlement which the consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to BBB.
3 Unresolved BBB Definition:
Unresolved - The company failed to resolve the complaint issues.
3 - Company failed to resolve the complaint issues through BBB voluntary and self-regulatory process.
2 No Response BBB Definition:
No Response - The company failed to respond to the complaint.
2 - Company failed to respond to BBB to resolve or address the complaint issues.
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Government Actions
BBB has no information regarding government actions at this time.
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Advertising Review
BBB has no information regarding advertising review at this time.
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Industry Tips
Internet Purchasing
Consumer purchasing items on the Internet should read and understand all the terms and conditions, privacy policy and other "small print." In addition, consumers who pay via check, debit card or by giving the numbers at the bottom of your check have no recourse if the company is not willing to refund your money. There is protection if you pay using a credit card, you can dispute the charge. Some credit card companies offer one time credit card numbers, which consumers can use when they are doing business with a company they are unfamiliar with.
There are companies that hide fees in the terms and conditions, including monthly fees which could total hundreds of dollars.
Nutritional Supplement Company
The BBB suggests that consumers review claims themselves and ask for copies of clinical human studies that support any claims that products can treat or cure diseases or ailments. Any claims that a product can cure or treat diseases or ailments should be reported to the BBB immediately.
Federal law through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows for some claims, if scientific evidence is available. The FDA does not review or authorize claims. You will note that dietary supplement companies all have a disclaimer on their sites which states "This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." This statement is required by law and is used to alert the public that the product has not been reviewed, essentially buyer beware.
For more information about dietary/nutritional claims check out these online resources:
U. S. Food and Drug Administration - Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition:
Federal Trade Commission -
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota -
National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health -
National center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine -
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BBB Copyright and Reporting Policy
As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business.
BBB Reliability Reports are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information in this BBB Reliability Report is believed reliable, but not guaranteed as to accuracy.
BBB Reliability Reports generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Reliability Reports are subject to change at any time.
If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted BBB for a BBB Reliability Report BBB Definition:
Report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB Accreditation information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
ID: 22215929
Report as of March 6, 2009 14:21
Copyright© 2009 Better Business Bureau
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