I saw an ad 0n a blog of a neighbor in my own town and surrounding towns swearing up and down these products work.
and like the rest of you looking to find a good honest products out there that work and help you stay healthy and lose weight
I bought a free trial offer and I was told thats all she paid and lost all that weight . well you buy and then you really pay.
I found out that I didn't just buy a product for free I also bought in to a website that was a bonus become a member for 1.95. they don't tell you in some cases you will or will not recieve the product but they will charge you before your 15 days is up like in 3 to 5 days and when I called I found out that I was also paying for a website for 4.95/9.95 on each of the products that I ordered as a free sample. Now let me back up a bit why all these free samples you ask? every time I went to put my credit card info. in I was DENIED. BUT I wasn"t and didn't know and used a different card 3 cards . and two of them charges are duplicated.