I ordered the ACAI "free trail" and paid the shipping charges on my credit card.
(Don't ever let them get your card number).
The product arrived 9 days after the order. The product was impure, as ACAI must be consumed alone with NO additives. There exist MANY additives in this material. It must also have USDA certification, which this material does not have. The product contains sand (silicon oxide).
I returned the "free trail" the next day following receipt.
I telephoned the company to cancel my account. I was assured that NO further charges would be made, and NO further product would be sent to me.
I found that another charge was made the following day. No product has been received.
I note from internet postings that these people sell product that is not pure, and not USDA certified. Also that this firm continues to debit credit card numbers that they have gleaned from their "free trial" scam.
To have these charges reversed is an onerous task. My advice is to NOT ever sign up for ANY "free trial" for anything, if your credit card number is required.