There advertising said after 14 days you may return for full refund. That is a lie I tried to cancel order before it was shipped so they wouldn't deduct anything from my debit card. They said it was canceled and ever gave me a confirmation number but they still sent it and took the full amount plus the shipping charges which all I was to pay is the shipping at 1.99 instead they deducted for some kind of international charges and the 99.00 dollars. Then I called them up to get a return authorazintion number so I could return they would not give me one. So I am stuch with the product and they took all the money from my account and would not ley me return the product. So I had to cancel my debit card and have another one issued.
All I can say is I have learned my lesson and that is the last time I believe anything advertisied
on the computer even if it is from a news paper spokes person's testimony of how great a product is.