The Offer was for a free 30-day trial of Acai Supplement. They asked questions about weight loss - which, while I do need to loose w
eight, that was not what I wanted. I had used MonaVie for 6 weeks, and stopped using it because it was tooo expensive for me. I did seem to feel better when I was taking MonaVie, and wanted to try to find a substitute. I was called by the above scammer that told me they were going to send me a bottle of Green Tea Extreme and Hoodia Water, too. I asked what it would cost me. I was told nothing. I did understand that I was to pay shipping and handling for the Acai. I am pretty sure I was charged for the shipping for the other two. The asked if it was alright to send them too. I said "yes". Now I understand, by reading the fine print on the Shipping Bill of Lading, that I would be billed 39.95 and shipping for each one. I have to send them back at my expense within 30 days - unopened. They are all unopened. I did stop the auto ship, but this is atrocious, and false advertising to the nth degree.