They advertise a "free sample." You do pay $4.95 Shipping and need a credit card to pay shipping costs. Days after receiving the product, really days, your account gets charged $87.13 for this free sample. I called them immediately and was told that I didn't cancel my "subscription" (I didn't subscribe) within the 14-day trial period. First, I agrued that 14 -days hasn't yet expired. They count from the day you PLACE the order, not the day it's processed, not the day it's shipped or moreover, NOT from the day you RECEIVE it. Nevermind it was advertised as a free sample. I argued even if it were a "trial" offer, one cannot "try" a product until it is RECEIVED to try. They put a ticket in to their resolution dept. but offered no hope that they will do the right thing. I also called for an address for their administration offices to file a legal dispute and they responded they cannot provide one due to security reasons. I asked to speak with a supervisor who repeated same. Have your attorney call directly if possible.
Your only recourse is to close the account you used for the shipping costs otherwise, you will be charged for the trial and future products that are charged to your account automatically.