Dr. Oz and Oprah advertised to go to on the internet and order a free acaiberry and try a cleansing program along with another product called Bromalite.
The Website offered a free bottle of each and all I had to do was authorize shipping and handling for each product to be charged to my visa card.
AcaiBerry and Bromalite I ordered Dec 11, 2008
I received the Bromalite right away, within seven (7) days, however the AcaiBerry I did not receive until late January approx. Jan 25 or 26, 2009
The package arrived for me to use the product and in a small print it said to cancel the product within 15 days if I was not satisfied.
AcaiBerry has charge me $ 88.62 on Jan 20, 2009
Number one: I did not authorize to be charged for the product and if I had, I was not in the possesion of the product to cancel the order.
I have called several times and they are refusing to give me credit on my account and they keep saying I failed to cancel the product.
I was under the impression that this was a free
offer by only authorizing to pay for shipping and handling. There was nothing on the screen the day I authorized for this product to be mailed to me, that I will have to cancel this order within 15 days.
This has been extremely frustrating and upsetting to me.
Also Bromalite, has charge my visa twice in the amount of $ 69.95. Once on Jan 02, 2009 and once Jan 20, 2009. When I called them on Jan 26, 2009 I was told they only can give me credit for
the amount charged on Jan 20, 2009
Again they said I did not cancel within 15 days
after I ordered the product on Dec 11, 2008
along with AcaiBerry.
I was told by Bank of America with whom I have my Visa, that this is one and the same company.
I received a phone call from Bank of America in the first week in Jan. 2009 and they told me on a recording of two suspicious charges in the amount
of $ 4.95 and $ 5.95 and they wanted to know if I had authorized that. Which I said yes, however, I did not authorize the amount of $ 69.95 which I was not asked about.
I trusted the offer because they used Oprah and
Dr. Oz's names, as it turned out, that this was only
a SCAM to get the consumer to sign up for.