Dear winner,
We are aware this notice will come to you as a suprise, be that as it may, the results of the 2008 electronic
online email sweepstakes is out & Your email ID won 1, 500, 000.00 euro in category¨A¨
This is a random Computer Games in which all participants were selected through a ballot system drawn
from over 500, 000 company´s & 10, 000, 000 Individual email ID´s from all over the world.
It is a program aimed at encouraging Internet users hence no ticket sold. We request you pay attention to
this notice & contact claims dept with your Info/follow the procedures of claim.
Contact: Dr.Mike Mejia,
Tel:+34-xxx xxx xxx
Fax:+34-xxx xxx xxx.
E-mail: [email protected]
Send the following Info:(1)Name, Your email id & Nationality(2)Batch & Ref Nos, (3)Phone & Fax no if
any(4)Sex, Age & Occupation. Congratulations once again.
Yours Truly,
Mrs.Monika Nowak.
Accu-Online Promotions