I ordered a lens, the Nikon 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6G VR AF-S DX Nikkor, from this company on Amazon.com. About a week later I received the following e-mail from Amazon.com:
"Greetings from Amazon.com,
We're writing to inform you that your order 102-9483404-6257857 from Ace
Photo Digital has been cancelled.
Our sellers strive to minimize cancelled orders. We're sorry for any
inconvenience this has caused. Your credit card was not charged for this
order. For more information regarding why this order was cancelled, please
contact Ace Photo Digital.
If you're still interested in this item, please search for it again on
We've included your order details below for reference. We've also included
the URL for the item you purchased if you'd like to try ordering from
another seller.
We value you as a customer and hope you will continue shopping on
As far as I can tell, my credit card was not charged. But I did waste a week of my time expecting my purchase to be delivered. Now I must start over. If an item is not available, it should not be offered for sale.