On Jan.7, 2008 our laptop began making random sounds, within 10 minutes the screen went blank and the DVD loader shut off. Power remained. On attempted restart, the screen wouldn't stay up past Acer page. Further F2 and F12 attempts revieled less and less time to solve issue. Asked 30 yr. experienced programmer to look it over. Jan 31, 2008 - laptop has main board and harddrive burnout. It's still under warranty for 7 days. Call Acer. They give service number and packing instructions. Which inlude, DO NOT SEND BATTERY. Sent Feb.1, 2008.
Wrapped in three layers bubble wrap and taped closed then placed in box, also tapped closed. Sent Fed - Ex. Feb. 11, 2008 computer arrives home. Hook - Up determines problems still exist. Same problems plus. Call Acer who, before we begin to discuss issue inform us that our warranty is up. Tec reads log from service # and tells us that Acer says harddrive was not in the computer when it arrived. Main Board replaced with referbished board. Will e-mail Service Dept. Temple, TX. Should hear something next day. Feb.12, 2008. Call Acer and are passed between two people who insist harddrive did not arrive. New hard drive and recovery and system disks purchased and paid for plus overnight and insured. Arrives Feb.13, 2008.Contents opened and verified. Set aside till Saturday, Feb 16th,2008. Opened bottom of laptop to insert harddrive and discover missing bracket and screw as well. Carefully insert harddrive and turn over to insert disks. Attempt to follow instructions only same problems still exists. Cannot load disks. Hooked up separate moniter and same issue occured. Called # for second extended warranty through Wal-Mart. They said they would send packaging and instructions to us and we should send everything to them. This will go out tomorrow Feb.23,2008. Acer has not only lost our buisness, but that of both my sister- in laws, who have put the word out to their families, ect.... Acer, you lose.