michelle brennan
July 6, 2010
lemon law product
I bought a 800.00 computer on sale for 600.00 dollars in january 2010 from staples without a warrenty. First mistake on my part but was asurred what a great product I was getting, although, I had told them I had previously owned an acer and had had to send it back 3 TIMES as it just randomly crashed but luckily it was under manurfacturas warrenty, but it still is costly time consumming and a hassle!They assures me Acer had changed i would not have ANY issues and I would be so Happy! Well for 2 and a half months I was in heaven I hadthis beutiful computer that was bought by my boyfriend as a gift as I have very low income and could not touch something that pricey. Then it began, I was typing along and my screen started looking like it was displaying fireworks, yes my screen had icredably blown up before my very own eyes! I called them up and of course they basically said I was NUTS! but it was sent in, and I was about to be charged when I got a nice girl to put it through a higher tech leval investigation, where they found multible problems with my computer so everything was then fixed for FREE and shipped back with a piece of paper stating the repair work they had done and if any of it should need to be repaired within 90 days it would be done by them free of charge!!! 74 days later I'm once again typing to my Dr. as I have cancer and stay in connection with my surgeons and medical staff through my health on line servives and I'm due for surgery again in4-6 weeks, my son lives with his dad due to my illness (14) and we interact through the computer, I'm sick so I socialize through facebook alot so I may stay up with my friends till I'm better! So you see my computer is MY LIFE! and I treeat my computer with great respect, I don't take it out, I don't pack it I don't put things on it like pots and pans all the things ACER has accused me of doing and oh yes dropping it from a 1 foot couch to a carpeted floor as if it would break, maybe it would I'v never done it but I'v raised childeren and seen alot of drops and NEVER seen a broken LCD screen! so I get it back nowI go from 3/30 to 6/10 it arrives home to me on 6/17 on 7/1 I walk out for a drink I come back mind you its 199.00 to fix this screen now each time to get it back I come back into the room and my screen is blown, all lines and holes!!! So I do sound Hysteryical to them on the phone my 12 year rel;ationship is with ta fire captain I may not be rich but I am a nice normal person but ACER has taken it all away from me. They play with my money my dr.'s my son friends, surgery test results and waiting to get in and out to get this to be shipped to them and PAY for it to be shipped as well costing 25.00 dollars or so. Any ways 10 days was the straw that broke the camels back that and their letters they will repair what ever is wrong within 90 days! Acer treats me terribly they leave me on hold sometimes they will not let me speak to someone hhigher up to beg them to investigate this more as I am not doing anything to this machine and I'm told by the phone answerers I can not speak to someone unless I pay first??? can you believe it? this is why I'm calling I don't feel I should pay. This weekend my mother took pity on me and bought me a relitivly inexpensive computer for me to stay connected as I WILL NOT pay them 199.00 again!!! I said here it is cord and all check it for short circuits, I evan found on line that others have had this problem and I called not knowing what I was talking about, but told them to check the ribbon the inverter the motherboard together these were what were listed on the internet for reasons lcds blow up!!! So yes to there questions to me yes they do just blow up! And I will not rest till every agency has a copy of my complaint with their letters attatched in both ma. and tx. where the co. is out of. They do not stand behind there product and they have no custumer service etiquete! sincerly Michelle brennan 6173472567