Seven years ago ACIS installed tenants in their property next door to mine. There was protrascted and persistent Anti Social Behaviour. I complained to ACIS but did not confront their tennts. The ASB became so bad that I had, on frequewnt occasions, to abandon my home. ACIS failed to cause the nuisance to be abated.
In Auguist I found myself in court falsely accused by ACIS of ASB and was obliged to give court undertakings which would, in the case of breach, result in imprsionment.
Sure enough ACIS have now accused me falsely of 23 breach of their 'undertakings' and have aapplied toi the court for me to be committed to prison.
I am a 75 yr lld ex-servic e pensioner with a lifetime's exemplary service - civil, diplomatic and military - to this country. Scandalous!