This vehicle has been the Bain of my existence since its purchase on the 8th of February 2010, I still do not have a running vehicle after 2 months and this is now no longer acceptable.
So far it has had the head gaskets replaced, 2 water pipes, paid twice for towing to and from repair agents and clutch replaced and now the coup de grace is that I will now have to have a total engine rebuild as it was seriously damaged prior to me buying the vehicle, We now have to come to a decision on this car as I am no longer willing to put my time and effort into something only to get told to be patient “as that is all we are asking for!”
As you can see the repairs on the vehicle total to a mind boggling R43 000.00 to repair and I am not willing to fit the bill having spent money on repairs already that should have been running from day one but instead had to get towed back to you the very next day due to problems and then once again to get told to please to be patient as this was a learning curve for your company as it was the first time working on a Subaru.