Yeap--I came home to find a bottle of pills in my mailbox--called the company and they gave me the last 4 digits of my credit card number and told me that someone ordered it online on March 19 and that they had to go back and trace my husband's name and address from the credit card number--is this a case of shipping and billing address has to be the same? Lucky for me that happened that way I guess. Found the charge online on my credit card history--called Chase and now I have to rearrange everything for this scamming company?! Ridiculous!!!
Sure hope someone puts these scammers behind bars.
I called the company again and got an address from a gal named Courtney-- 223 West Bulldog # 223, Provo Utah 84604 -- so this is a UPS Store-- I called them and they are fully aware that this is a scam running out of a box in their store-- the lady says there is nothing they can do about it-- I replied, "Hello? Don't rent a box to them! Don't be part of their scam!" She also told me that police can do nothing--only the US Postal Service. Someone please help me shut them down!
the guy that owns this company is--
Pete Maughan
543 North 790 East #209
Provo, Utah 84606
United States
Phone: +1.8017352775
[email protected]
He is afraid of all of us-- he has made his Facebook account private but he still has Myspace and his email--and his phone number--although he will not answer either of those.
I have filed complaints with everyone that I can think of--I think others have too but still he gets away with this-- Is everyone going to let him get away with this scam / fraud without telling him how you all feel?