I have called few times in last 6 month to ADP Section 125 account support # 1-800-654-6695. Everytime except once, i am connected to their customer support office in India. Normally the call centers in Indian are pretty good. But there is something wrong with this ADP Center. These guys don't understand what your situation is or the problem you are facing. They just follow the script and don't apply the mind.. If ADP wants to do it then just use automated machine, why even pay the call center companies..
Only on one occasion the call was handled by a US based agent and she was supportive . She properly explained as to what should i do to solve the issue, what problem may come and what will be the best possible action..
Hope ADP guys do something to improve the call.. I never got the call aboyt CSAT. If i will get it, it is going to be "0"%