Hello and greetings
Its nice to know that their is a complaints page for an organization as for ADULTFRIENDFINDER browsing through quite a number of google site complaints over the years I have been caught up in the Adult friendfinder unauthorized multiple payments made from my master card What has happened I try to sign up with getiton web page not knowing it is one of many sites on Adult friendfinder my membership was about to runout on their main site
Along with passion.com another i signed up and made no contacts as with their main one reported a woman wanting big sums of money they never got back They just keep peppering you with other sites to join YOUR JUST ANOTHER NUMBER there So I went to sign up with getiton site And around six times I was told your unsuccessful in getting through I had sent monies through before But this time it was rejecting my attempts
So when I look up my bank balance they Adult friend-finder had taken out two installments that I didnt authorize AND MADE COMPLAINTS to there service desk a number of days ago They have nt got back to me as usual