BE AWARE! Please be aware of what I consider to be a scam on the Internet. has sent unsolicited products to my home with a fake email address. They will not refund the initial fee they have charged my account. The catch is that they would have charged me $169.95 if I had not caught this in 14 days. Somehow they have linked to something else I have ordered in the past. They are stated to be working out of Greece. I did not enroll and they will not fix it. Today they are trying to charge me $219.95 because I closed my account to keep them from charging the $169.95. SANS Financial are in my opinion scam artists as well. I tried to reason with them in letting them know I never had such an account and it fell on deaf ears. Somehow they got my debit card number. Now I have to go to the police dept. to file a fraud. Time Waster! With all these complaints, where are the authorities??
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