Name: Doris Ann Brooks; Address: 3810 US Hwy 17 South Williamston, NC 27892; Phone: 252-217-7224 or 252-792-3270. e-mail address "; credit card last 4 is 1021
cancellation # 368099; product Name; AcaiBerry Pure:
Complaint: I never received the product. I called the company and had the order cancelled. I want a refund for the undelivered product of $149.95.
#2. Product Name; Advance Cleanse; Cancellation # 368423; Complaint; I had a terrible reaction to the product- stomach cramps and pain, nausea, sickness and overall weakness. I want to return the unused portion of product and receive a refund of $149.95
Total refund requested is $299.90 + $.99 for unsent product =$300.89.